API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbMLeader Class > OdDbMLeader Methods
OdDbMLeader Methods

The methods of the OdDbMLeader class are listed here.

Inserts a new first vertex into the specified leader line.
Appends a new last vertex onto the specified leader line.
Causes a new cluster to be added to this MLeader object, and returns the index of the new cluster.
This is the overview for the addLeaderLine method overload. 
This is the overview for the arrowSize method overload. 
This is the overview for the arrowSymbolId method overload. 
Returns the color used for block content. 
Returns the block connection type for this MLeader, which specifies how the referenced block is connected to the leader lines. 
Returns the referenced block for this MLeader, by block ObjectId. 
Returns the rotation used by the referenced block. 
Returns the scale used by the referenced block. 
This is the overview for the connectionPoint method overload. 
Returns the content type for this MLeader object. 
Copies the contents of the specified object into this object when possible.
This is the overview for the doglegLength method overload. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the annotation scale enabled status for this MLeader. 
Returns the enabled/disabled status for dog-leg leader line. 
Returns the text frame visibility for MText content. 
Returns the enabled/disabled status for leader landing line. 
Returns extend to text mode flag. 
Returns the specified attribute from the associated block content.
Returns the position for the block referenced by this MLeader.
Returns the the extents of the content for this MLeader.
Returns the context data manager for this MLeader object. 
Returns the dog-leg direction for the specified leader cluster. 
Returns the first vertex from the specified leader line.
Returns the last vertex from the specified leader line.
Returns the index of the leader cluster which contains the specified leader line.
This is the overview for the getLeaderLineIndexes method overload. 
Returns the property set for the MLeader, including override values.
Returns the plane that contains this entity.
Returns the location for the MText content associated with this MLeader.
Returns the location for MLeader tolerance content.
Returns the position of a specified vertex in a specified leader line.
Returns true if this MLeader has content, false otherwise. 
This is the overview for the isOverride method overload. 
Returns true if and only if this entity is planar. 
Returns the landing gap for this MLeader (gap between the leader tail and associated MText). 
This is the overview for the leaderLineColor method overload. 
This is the overview for the leaderLineType method overload. 
This is the overview for the leaderLineTypeId method overload. 
This is the overview for the leaderLineWeight method overload. 
Returns the MLeaderStyle used for this MLeader, by ObjectId. 
Moves this MLeader object as specified by an input vector.
Returns the MText content associated with this MLeader. 
This is normal, a member of class OdDbMLeader. 
Deprecated (Instead, use the method getLeaderLineIndexes(...)) 
Deprecated (Instead, use the method getLeaderIndexes(...)) 
Returns the number of vertices in the specified leader line.
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbMLeader. 
Returns the WCS plane containing this MLeader object. 
Adds this MLeader object to the Model Space block of the specified database.
Recomputes the dimension break points. 
Removes the first vertex from the specified leader line.
Removes the last vertex from the specified leader line.
Removes the leader cluster specified by the passed-in index.
Removes the leader line specified by the passed-in index.
Removes the specified leader line's geometry association.
Returns the MLeader scale, which affects arrowhead size and content scale. 
This is the overview for the setArrowSize method overload. 
This is the overview for the setArrowSymbolId method overload. 
Sets the specified attribute within associated block content.
Sets the color used for block content.
Sets the block connection type for this MLeader, which specifies how the referenced block is connected to the leader lines.
Sets the referenced block for this MLeader, by block ObjectId.
Sets the position for the block referenced by this MLeader.
Sets the rotation used by the referenced block.
Sets the scale used by the referenced block.
Sets the content type for this MLeader object.
Sets the context data manager for this MLeader object.
Sets the dog-leg direction for the specified leader cluster.
This is the overview for the setDoglegLength method overload. 
Sets the annotation scale enabled status for this MLeader.
Sets the enabled/disabled status for dog-leg leader line.
Sets the text frame visibility for MText content.
Sets the enabled/disabled status for leader landing line.
Set extend to text mode.
Sets the first vertex of the specified leader line.
Sets the landing gap for this MLeader (gap between the leader tail and associated MText).
Sets the last vertex of the specified leader line.
This is the overview for the setLeaderLineColor method overload. 
This is the overview for the setLeaderLineType method overload. 
This is the overview for the setLeaderLineTypeId method overload. 
This is the overview for the setLeaderLineWeight method overload. 
Sets the MLeaderStyle used for this MLeader, by ObjectId.
Sets the MText object to be associated with this MLeader.
Sets the override status for the specified PropertyOverrideType.
Sets the WCS plane containing this MLeader object.
Sets the MLeader scale, which affects arrowhead size and content scale.
Sets the text alignment type for MText content.
Sets the angle type for MText content, with respect to the last leader line segment.
Sets the text attachment direction of MText.
Sets the text attachment type used by MText content.
Sets the text color for MText content.
Sets the text height for MText content.
Sets the location for the MText content associated with this MLeader.
Sets the textstyle used by MText content (by ObjectId).
Sets the location for MLeader tolerance content.
Sets the position for a specified vertex in a specified leader line.
Returns the text alignment type for MText content. 
Returns the angle type for MText content, with respect to the last leader line segment. 
Returns the text attachment direction of MText. 
Returns the text attachment type used by MText content.
Returns the text color for MText content. 
Returns the text height for MText content. 
Return the textstyle used by MText content (by ObjectId). 
Updates this MLeaders's arrow head, landing gap, dog-leg length, and text height or block scale.
Updates leader line positions. 
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