API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLeader Class > OdDbLeader Methods
OdDbLeader Methods

The methods of the OdDbLeader class are listed here.

Returns the height of the annotation entity associated with this Leader entity (DXF 40). 
Returns the annotation Object ID of the annotation entity associated with this Leader entity (DXF 340). 
Returns the annotation offset of this Leader entity (DXF 213). 
Returns the OCS X-axis of the annotation entity associated with this Leader entity (DXF 211). 
Returns the annotation type associated with this Leader entity (DXF 73). 
Returns the width of the annotation entity associated with this Leader entity (DXF 41). 
Appends the specified WCS vertex to this Leader entity.
This is the overview for the attachAnnotation method overload. 
Removes this Leader entity from the persistent reactor list of its annotation entity, and sets the annotation Object ID to NULL. 
Returns the DIMASZ value of this object. 
Returns the DIMCLRD value of this object. 
Returns the dimension style (OdDbDimStyleTableRecord) used by this Leader entity (DXF 3). 
Returns the DIMGAP value of this object. 
Returns the DIMLDRBLK value of this object. 
Returns the DIMLWD value of this object. 
Returns the DIMSAH value of this object. 
Returns the DIMSCALE value of this object. 
Returns the DIMTAD value of this object. 
Returns the DIMTXSTY value of this object. 
Returns the DIMTXT value of this object. 
Disables the arrowhead for this Leader entity (DXF 71). 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbLeader. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Enables the arrowhead for this Leader entity (DXF 71). 
Notification function called whenever an object has been erased or unerased.
Updates this the geometry of this leader per its relationship to its annotation entity. 
Returns the WCS first vertex of this Leader entity. 
Returns the area of this Curve object.
Copies the dimension style settings, including overrides, of this entity into the specified dimension style table record.
Returns the distance along this Curve object from its start point to the point specified by param.
Returns the parameter corresponding to the end point of this Curve object.
Returns the WCS end point of this Curve object.
Returns the first derivative of this Curve object at the specified WCS point.
Returns the parameter corresponding to the point a specified distance along this Curve object from its start point.
Returns the parameter corresponding to the specified WCS point on this Curve object.
Returns the plane that contains this entity.
Returns the WCS point on this Curve object corresponding to the specified parameter.
Returns the second derivative of this Curve object at the specified point.
Returns the parameter corresponding to the start point of this Curve object.
Returns the WCS start point of this Curve object.
Returns true if arrowhead is currently enabled for this leader:
  1. Arrow head is enabled (isArrowHeadEnabled() returns true).
  2. DIMASZ (arrow size) is non-zero
  3. First leader's segment length is greater or equal to (DIMASZ DIMSCALE 2).
Returns true if and only if this Leader entity has a hookline (DXF 75). 
Returns true if and only if this Leader entity has an arrowhead (DXF 71). 
Returns true if and only if this Curve object is closed. 
Returns true if the hookline is codirectional with the OCS X-axis of this Leader entity, or false if it is antidirectional with it. 
Returns true if and only if this Curve object is periodic. 
Returns true if and only if this entity is planar. 
Returns true if and only if this Leader entity uses a spline-fit leader line (DXF 72). 
Returns the WCS last vertex of this Leader entity. 
Support for persistent reactor to annotation entity. 
Returns the WCS normal to the plane of this entity (DXF 210). 
Returns the number of vertices in this Leader entity (DXF 76). 
Removes the last vertex of this Leader entity. 
Sets the annotation offset of this leader (DXF 213).
Sets the DIMASZ override for this object.  
Sets the DIMCLRD override for this object.  
Sets the dimension style (OdDbDimStyleTableRecord) to used by this Leader entity (DXF 3).
Sets the DIMGAP override for this object.  
This is the overview for the setDimldrblk method overload. 
Sets the DIMLWD override for this object.  
Sets the DIMSAH override for this object.  
Sets the DIMSCALE override for this object.  
This is the overview for the setDimstyleData method overload. 
Sets the DIMTAD override for this object.  
Sets the DIMTXSTY override for this object.  
Sets the DIMTXT override for this object.  
Sets the plane to contain this Leader entity.
Sets this Leader entity to use a spline-fit leader line (DXF 72). 
Sets this Leader to use a straight line segments (DXF 72). 
Sets the specified WCS vertex of this Leader entity.
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
This is subExplode, a member of class OdDbLeader. 
This is subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath, a member of class OdDbLeader. 
This is subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker, a member of class OdDbLeader. 
This is subGetTransformedCopy, a member of class OdDbLeader. 
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
This function is an override for OdDbEntity::subSetDatabaseDefaults() to set the dimension style of this entity to the current style for the specified database. 
This is subTransformBy, a member of class OdDbLeader. 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDbLeader. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbLeader. 
This is the overview for the TD_USING method overload. 
Returns the specified WCS vertex of this Leader entity.  
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