API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHelix Class > OdDbHelix Methods
OdDbHelix Methods

The methods of the OdDbHelix class are listed here.

Returns the start point of the axis for the helix. 
Vector of the axis of the helix 
Base radius of the helix 
Returns the constrain property of the helix 
This functions creates the helix geometry based on the values set in prior function calls. Without calling this function, no geometry will be visible on the screen. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Height of the helix 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbHelix. 
Reverses this Spline entity. 
Sets the start point of the axis for the helix. axisPoint Input the 3D point where the axis starts bMoveStartPoint Input Boolean indicating whether to relocate the start point by the same offset 
Sets the vector for the axis for the helix 
Sets the base radius of the helix 
Sets the constrain property of the helix 
Sets the height of the helix 
Sets the start point of the helix 
Sets the top radius of the helix 
Sets the turn height (distance between threads) 
Sets the number of turns (revolutions) 
Sets the twist of the helix (is counter-clockwise) 
Returns the start point of the helix 
Replace OdRxObjectPtrArray 
Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity.
Top radius of the helix 
Returns the total length of the helix 
Turn height (distance between threads) 
Number of turns (revolutions) of the helix 
Returns the turn slope angle of the helix 
Returns the twist of the helix (clockwise or counter-clockwise) true means "counter-clockwise 
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