API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbEntity Class > OdDbEntity Methods
OdDbEntity Methods

The methods of the OdDbEntity class are listed here.

This is addSubentPaths, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This function appends this object to the specified owner object during the deep or wblock clone operation.
Notification function called each time an Undo operation is performed this object is using partial Undo.
Returns the Object ID of the OdDbBlockTableRecord that owns this entity. 
This is the overview for the boundingBoxIntersectWith method overload. 
Returns the CastShadows flag for this entity.. 
Returns the cloneMeForDragging flag for this entity. 
Returns the CollisionType for this entity. 
Returns the color information of this entity as an OdCmColor instance. 
Returns the Object ID of the OdDbColor object referenced by this entity. 
Returns the color index of this entity (DXF 62). 
Copies the contents of the specified object into this object when possible.
This is deleteSubentPaths, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Notification function called when this entity is involved in a drag operation.
Returns a pointer to the OdGiDrawable for the object. If the object doesn't have an associated OdGiDrawable object, this function returns NULL. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF format data of this object from the specified filer.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Reads the DXF R12 format data of this object.
Writes the DXF format data of this object to the specified filer.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the OdCmEntityColor settings of this object. 
Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities.
Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities.
Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities, and adds them to the specified block.
Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities, and adds them to the specified block table record.
Is applicable for compound objects only which return the kDrawableIsCompoundObject flag from subSetAttributes(). The matrix returned is the one that is passed to pushModelTransform before rendering nested objects. Default implementation returns OdDb::eNotApplicable and the identity matrix in xM. 
Returns the entity coordinate system matrix. 
This is getGeomExtents, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This is the overview for the getGripPoints method overload. 
This is getGripPointsAtSubentPath, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This is getGsMarkersAtSubentPath, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This is the overview for the getOsnapPoints method overload. 
Returns the plane that contains this entity.
Returns the PlotStyleName of this entity.
Returns all stretch points of this entity.
This is getSubentClassId, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This is getSubentPathGeomExtents, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This is getSubentPathsAtGsMarker, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Creates a copy of this entity, and applies the supplied transformation to the newly created copy.
Notification function called when this entity is involved in a grip operation.
Returns the hideMeForDragging flag for this entity. 
This is highlight, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This is the overview for the intersectWith method overload. 
This is isContentSnappable, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Returns true if and only if this entity is planar. 
Returns the name of the layer referenced by this entity (DXF 8). 
Returns the Object ID of the OdDbLayerTableRecord referenced by this entity. 
Returns the name of the linetype referenced by this entity (DXF 6). 
Returns the Object ID of the linetype referenced by this entity (DXF 6). 
Returns the linetype scale of this entity (DXF 48). 
Returns the lineweight property of this entity (DXF 370). 
This method is triggered by the standard LIST command and is to be display the dxf format contents of the entity to the display. 
Returns the name of the material referenced by this entity (DXF 347). 
Returns the Object ID of the material referenced by this entity (DXF 347). 
Returns OdGiMapper used to map a material to the entity. Returns null if the default mapper is used. 
This is the overview for the moveGripPointsAt method overload. 
This is moveGripPointsAtSubentPaths, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Moves the specified stretch points of this entity.
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Returns the name of the plotStyleName string associated with this entity (DXF 390). 
Returns the ReceiveShadows flag for this entity.. 
Sets the bit flag indicating the entity's geometry is changed.
Creates a geometric representation of this entity for saving proxy graphics or converting to previous formats.
Controls the CastShadows flag for this entity.  
Sets the color information of this entity from an OdCmColor instance.
Assigns the specified OdDbColor object to this entity.
Sets the color index of this entity (DXF 62).
Applies the default properties of the specified database to this entity.
This is the overview for the setLayer method overload. 
This is the overview for the setLinetype method overload. 
Sets the Linetype scale of this entity (DXF 48).
Sets the lineweight property of this entity (DXF 370).
This is the overview for the setMaterial method overload. 
Sets the mapper used to map a material to the entity.
This is the overview for the setPlotStyleName method overload. 
Copies the properties from the specified entity to this entity.  
Controls the Receivehadows flag for this entity.  
Sets the temporary (not saved to file) visibility status of this entity.
Sets the transparency setting of this entity, and returns eOk if successful.
Sets the visibility status of this entity (DXF 60).
Sets the *visual style* to be used by this entity.
This is subentGripStatus, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This is subentPtr, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
Called as the first operation of the handOverTo function.
This is subList, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Notification function called by the Drawings framework immediately before an object is opened.
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
Called by setDatabaseDefaults() after the values are set.
This function is called as the first operation of the swapIdWith() function.
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Returns the temporary (not saved) visibility status of this entity. 
Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity.
This is transformSubentPathsBy, a member of class OdDbEntity. 
Returns the transparency setting of this entity. 
Returns the visibility status of this entity. It takes into account both permanent (DXF 60) and temporary visibility statuses: the entity is visible only if it's visible in both parts. 
Returns the Object ID of the *visual style* used by this entity. 
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