API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDynBlockReferenceProperty Class > OdDbDynBlockReferenceProperty Methods
OdDbDynBlockReferenceProperty Methods

The methods of the OdDbDynBlockReferenceProperty class are listed here.

Returns the Object ID of the dynamic block reference that owns this property. 
Returns the description of this property. 
Returns an array of allowed values for this property.  
Returns a parameter descriptor.
Returns a parameter smart pointer. 
Returns the name of this property. 
Returns the type of the property value. 
Returns true if and only if this property is Read-Only. 
Sets the current value of the property on the dynamic block reference.  
Returns true if and only if this property is displayed on the Property Palette. 
Returns the units of this property. 
Returns the current value of the property on the dynamic block reference. 
Returns true if and only if this property is visible in the current visibility state. 
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