API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbBlockChangeIterator Class > OdDbBlockChangeIterator Methods
OdDbBlockChangeIterator Methods

The methods of the OdDbBlockChangeIterator class are listed here.

Clears the processed bit (0x04) of the flags of entities being traversed. 
Returns the Object ID of the entity currently referenced by this Iterator object, and the flags and data associated with it.
Returns true if and only if the traversal by this Iterator object is complete. 
Returns the Object ID of the entity currently referenced by this Iterator object. 
Sets this Iterator object to reference the entity following the current entity. 
Sets the flags and data associated with the object currently referenced by this Iterator object.
Sets this Iterator object to reference the entity that it would normally return first. 
Returns the OdDbIndexUpdateData object associating Object IDs to data and flags. 
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