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What's New

This documentation describes ODA PRC SDK version 2023.12.

Please refer to the Release Notes for more details on ODA PRC SDK new features, significant changes, and fixed issues.

Click and log in to Jira to see a list of fixed issues.

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Build Notes

  • The Libzip library was updated to version 1.9.2.
  • Build configurations for macOS 12 SDK are added (x64, arm64 platforms).
  • Android NDK r20b is no longer supported.
  • The following platforms are added to the supported platforms list:
    • GCC 10.2 for Linux platforms.
  • The ODA Platform has ended support for the following platforms:
    • GCC 4.8 for Linux platforms.
  • Vxl libs set were removed as not needed.
  • To use export to PDF in static builds, you should link the TD_BREPBUILDERFILLER_LIB library.
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