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ODA PRC SDK Example Commands Plugin


Sample Name: OdPrcExCommands
Categories: C++ / Beginner / Commands for working with .prc files / Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows
Source Code Location: CommonApplications/Prc/Examples/OdPrcExCommands


This sample contains a set of commands that represent all example cases from OdPrcCreate. Commands are joined into a dynamic module (OdPrcCommands_*.tx file) which can be loaded and used in any application hosted by ODA Platform (for example, in the OdaPrcApp sample application).

Source files are available in the Prc/Examples/OdPrcExCommands folder. Release packages (archives) contain a Visual Studio solution for the Windows platform, a CMake file, and a pre-built binary executable file.


To run any command from the OdPrcExCommands module:

  1. Start the OdaPrcApp sample application, then create a new file or open an existing one, which activates items on the Edit and Tools menus.

    OdPrcApp sample application with a newly created file looks like at the following picture:

  2. Select Tools -> Load application to begin loading the OdPrcCommands_*.tx module.

  3. Click Load, select the OdPrcExCommands*.tx module in the ODA PRC SDK binary folder, and click Open.

  4. To run any command from the OdPrcCreate sample, select an item from Edit -> Registered Commands -> PRC create example (for example, Create Complex Example).

  5. Check the result of the command by switching to vectorization mode.

See Also:

A Sample Console Application that Illustrates Creation of a .prc File with Different Entities
MFC Sample Viewer Application for ODA PRC SDK
ODA PRC SDK Sample Applications
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