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Build PRC Sample Applications from Source Code

Building Sample Applications for Windows Platforms Using Microsoft Visual Studio

To build sample applications, do the following steps:
  1. Open ODA PRC SDK sample solution with Microsoft Visual Studio.
    The solution file is included into the downloadable packet and can be found in Platforms\<conf> sub folder.
    For example, for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 DLL configuration, the solution file has the following path: Platforms\vc11dll\TP_vc11dll_ex.sln.
  2. Build the opened solution. Binary output files can be found in the exe sub folder.

Important! You should use the proper version of Visual Studio for building sample application from the release archive of the specified configuration.

Note: Some samples use the DirectX rendering device, and the building of which requires DirectX 9 SDK. It can be downloaded from Microsoft download center. After downloading and installing this SDK, a DXSDK_DIR environment variable needs to be created and set to the full path of the dxsdk-9.0 directory.

Building Sample Applications for Non-Windows Platforms

To build ODA PRC SDK sample applications on non-Windows platforms, CMake tool version 3.14 or later must be installed. It can be downloaded from

To build sample applications, do the following steps:

  1. Run ./configure allocated in the root folder where the binary archive was unpacked.
  2. Make the Prc/Examples sub folder active.
  3. Run make. Binary output files can be found in the bin sub folder.

See Also:

Create Client Applications

ODA PRC SDK Sample Applications

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