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Create Views

To add a custom view to the .prc portion of a .pdf document:

  1. Create a view object and add it to the file structure and to the product occurrence:
              OdPrcViewPtr pNewView = OdPrcView::createObject();
              OdPrcName name;
              name.setName(L"NE Isometric");
              pNewView->name() = name;
              OdPrcProductOccurrencePtr productOc = pFile->fileStructures().last()->fileStructureTree().productOccurrence().last();
              OdPrcObjectIdArray &arr_view = productOc->annotationViews();

    Note that it is important to set the name of the view. The view is available in the .pdf file through its name.

  2. Add to the file structure a set of parameters for a scene display and associate this parameter set with the previously created view object:
              OdPrcSceneDisplayParametersPtr pSceneDisplayParameters = OdPrcSceneDisplayParameters::createObject();
              pNewView->sceneDisplayParameters() = pSceneDisplayParameters->id();
  3. Create a camera object, and add it to the file structure:
              OdPrcCameraPtr pCamera = OdPrcCamera::createObject();
  4. Set the camera's target, up vector and position. Then associate the camera with the view:
              pCamera->lookAt().set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
              pCamera->up().set(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
              pCamera->location().set(5.0, 5.0, 5.0);
              pSceneDisplayParameters->camera() = pCamera->id();          

You can choose the created view in a viewer application by its name:

View selection in a viewer application

After selecting the created view, you can see the result:

View applied in a viewer application

For additional details, in the examples see the simpleCrossSectioExample() function in the CrossSectionExample.cpp module.

See Also

Add Cross Sections for Views
Work with Views
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