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Overview of Markups
Markups are non-geometric entities containing additional information that makes understanding model geometry easier. Markups have links to model items (assemblies, geometry, etc.). Leader lines are used to visualize markup links.

Markups can specify:

  • Sizes
  • Dimension notes
  • Text comments
  • Tolerance information
  • Weld symbols

Markups also can consist of several entities; each entity can contain tessellated data:

  • Polylines
  • Triangles
  • Color
  • Linestyles
  • Points
  • Polygons
  • Linewidths

A joined group of annotation markups lying in the same plane is called a view. A view incorporates an array of annotation entities and can determine its positions and visibilities.

B-Rep cylinder with markup view
Different types of markups

Each markup is defined with type and subtype attributes.

EPRCMarkupType enumerator represents markup types; EPRCMarkupSubType enumerator represents markup subtypes. Both enumerators are declared in the Prc/Include/PrcDefines.h file.

Markup Entities Implementation

The following table contains brief information about all markup related classes.
Class name Description
OdPrcMarkup Class implements storage of common data for a markup entity:
  • Markup type.
  • Markup subtype.
  • Linked entities (stored as an array of identifiers).
  • Markup leaders (stored as an array of identifiers).
  • Linked entities (stored as an array of identifiers).
  • Markup tessellations.
  • Markup user-defined data.
OdPrcMarkupLeader Class stores information about markup leader tessellations and items linked with a leader. Leaders attach the markup annotation item to the annotation reference.
OdPrcMarkupLinkedItem Class stores data for establishing a cross reference between markup and geometry.
OdPrcMarkupTess Class implements markup tessellation functionality: stores code and coordinate arrays, stores labels and text, implements tessellation behavior.
OdPrcAnnotationEntity A base class for markup annotation items: a single annotation item, a set of annotation items, an annotation reference.
OdPrcAnnotationItem Class implements a single annotation item.
OdPrcAnnotationReference Class implements a reference to an annotation.
OdPrcAnnotationSet Class stores information about a group of annotation items or subgroups.
OdPrcMarkups Complex class that stores information about all markups of a product occurrence. It encapsulates object identifiers for markup entities, markup leaders, annotation items and linked items.
OdPrcMarkupSerializationHelper Class implements working with markup common font information. It allows font family name, font attributes (bold, italic, underlined, etc.), and charsets to be applied to a markup.

See Also

Create Markups
Work with Markup Entities
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