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ODA Mechanical SDK
Release Archive Contents

The release archive contains a number of folders that are required for working with Mechanical SDK. The folder structure is shown below (for Microsoft® Windows® operating systems). Because the release archive consists of many folders, only the Mechanical folder is described in detail.

Folder Description
CommonApplications Common Mechanical SDK applications, including examples
    Drawing Common Drawings SDK applications
        Examples Drawings SDK examples
    Drawing Common Mechanical SDK applications
        Examples Mechanical SDK examples
Drawing Drawings SDK header files for .dwg functionality
exe Mechanical SDK API and sample application compiled binary files (DLL, EXE, TX) and dependencies
Kernel Kernel SDK header files
KernelBase KernelBase SDK header files
lib Mechanical SDK API and sample application static libraries and dependencies
Mechanical Mechanical SDK functionality and samples
    Examples Sample code source files
        TmBomEx TmBomEx sample application source files
        TmCommands TmCommands sample application source files
        TmCopyEx TmCopyEx sample application source files
        TmReadEx TmReadEx sample application source files
        TmStructureEx TmStructureEx sample application source files
        TmWriteEx TmWriteEx sample application source files
    Include Mechanical SDK header files
Platforms Sample application project files for a specific platform (and SLN solution file for some platforms)
ThirdParty Third-party libraries

See Also

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