Members |
Description |
kCurrent |
Current |
kEdited |
Edited |
kNoneSymbol |
No symbol |
kSurfText |
Surf text |
kDatum |
Datum |
kFCF |
kDatumId |
Datum ID |
kFeatureId |
Feature ID |
kFilletWeld |
Fillet weld |
kSecondaryFillet |
Secondary fillet |
kPlugWeld |
Plug weld |
kSlotWeld |
Slot weld |
kStudWeld |
Stud weld |
kSpotWeld |
Spot weld |
kSpotOnRefLineWeld |
Spot on reference line weld |
kSeamWeld |
Seam weld |
kSeamOnRefLineWeld |
Seam on reference line weld |
kBackWeld |
Back weld |
kSurfacingWeld |
Surfacing weld |
kFlangeEdgeWeld |
Flange edge weld |
kFlangeCornerWeld |
Flange corner weld |
kSqureGrooveWeld |
Squre groove weld |
kScarfGrooveWeld |
Scarf groove weld |
kVGrooveWeld |
V groove weld |
kBevelGrooveWeld |
Bevel groove weld |
kUGrooveWeld |
U groove weld |
kJGrooveWeld |
J groove weld |
kFlareVGrooveWeld |
Flare V groove weld |
kFlareBevelGrooveWeld |
Flare bevel groove weld |
kEdgeWeld |
Edge weld |
kFoldJointWeld |
Fold joint weld |
kInclinedJointWeld |
Inclined joint weld |
kSurfaceJointWeld |
Surface joint weld |
kSteepFlankedVWeld |
Steep flanked V weld |
kSteepFlankedBevelWeld |
Steep flanked bevel weld |
kSingleVBroadRootFace |
Single V broad root face |
kSingleBevelBroadRootFace |
Single bevel broad root face |
kRemovableBackingStripWeld |
Removable backing strip weld |
kPermanentBackingStripWeld |
Permanent backing strip weld |
kMeltThrough |
Melt through |
kConsInsert |
Cons insert |
kFlushContour |
Flush contour |
kConvexContour |
Convex contour |
kConcaveContour |
Concave contour |
kSmoothContour |
Smooth contour |
kFlushFinishedContour |
Flush finished contour |
kWeldingTail |
Welding tail |
kWeldAllAround |
Weld all around |
kFieldWeld |
Field weld |
kSpecialStaggerWeld |
Special stagger weld |
kBevelGrooveShapeWeld |
Bevel groove shape weld |
kWeldAllAroundSquare |
Weld all around square |
kFieldWeldEmpty |
Field weld empty |
kExamination |
Examination |
kBackLendingWeld |
Back lending weld |
kRoundedWeld |
Rounded weld |
kHalfRoundedWeld |
Half rounded weld |
kHalfWWeld |
Half W weld |
kWWeld |
W weld |
kWeldMullded |
Weld mullded |
kWeldGroovedRoot |
Weld grooved root |
kWWeld2 |
W weld 2 |
kUVWeld |
UV weld |
kConcaveSmoothContour |
Concave smooth contour |
kGostWeld |
Gost weld |
kCutEnforceWeld |
Cut enforce weld |
kSmoothWeld |
Smooth weld |
kOpenContourWeld |
Open contour weld |
kIntermittentWeld |
Intermittent weld |
kZigzagWeld |
Zigzag weld |
kUserSymbolType |
User symbol type |
kStraightness |
Straightness |
kFlatness |
Flatness |
kCircularity |
Circularity |
kCylindricity |
Cylindricity |
kProfileLine |
Profile line |
kProfileSurface |
Profile surface |
kAngularity |
Angularity |
kPerpendicularity |
Perpendicularity |
kParallelism |
Parallelism |
kPosition |
Position |
kConcentricity |
Concentricity |
kSymmetry |
Symmetry |
kRunoutCircular |
Runout circular |
kRunoutTotal |
Runout total |
kLeastMaterialCondition |
Least material condition |
kMaximumMaterialCondition |
Maximum material condition |
kProjectedToleranceZone |
Projected tolerance zone |
kTangentPlane |
Tangent plane |
kFreeState |
Free state |
kEnvelope |
Envelope |
kRegardlessOfFeatureSize |
Regardless of feature size |
kStatisticalTolerance |
Statistical tolerance |
kDiameter |
Diameter |
kBetween |
Between |
kReciprocityCondition |
Reciprocity condition |
kSquare |
Square |
kProfileSection |
Profile section |
kAxiality |
Axiality |
kRunoutCircularFilled |
Runout circular filled |
kRunoutTotalFilled |
Runout total filled |
kConcentricityForCentrePoints |
Concentricity for centre points |
kCoaxialityForAxes |
Coaxiality for axes |
kCommonZone |
Common zone |
kMinorDiameter |
Minor diameter |
kMajorDiameter |
Major diameter |
kPitchDiameter |
Pitch diameter |
kLineElement |
Line element |
kNotConvex |
Not convex |
kAnyCrossSection |
Any cross section |
kMedianfeature |
Median feature |
kFromTo |
From to |
kUnequallyDisposedTol |
Unequally disposed tolerance |
kAnyLongSection |
Any long section |
kContactingFeature |
Contacting feature |
kVariableDist |
Variable distribution |
kSituFeatPoint |
Situ feature point |
kStraigntLine |
Straignt line |
kSituFeatPlane |
Situ feature plane |
kOrientationConstraintOnly |
Orientation constraint only |
kangularity |
Angularity |
kUserSymbolGDT |
User symbol GDT |
kAbovePrimRefLine |
Above primary reference line |
kAlongPrimRefLine |
Along primary reference line |
kBelowPrimRefLine |
Below primary reference line |
kArrowSide |
Arrow side |
kOtherSide |
Other side |
kOnlyOnRefLine |
Only on reference line |
kOnlyOnArrowSide |
Only on arrow side |
kOnlyOnOtherSide |
Only on other side |
kOnBothSides |
On both sides |
kNoAssociation |
No association |
kAssociationSpacer |
Association spacer |
kAssociationMoveStagger |
Association move stagger |
kAssociationMirrorStagger |
Association mirror stagger |
kAssociationSpecialStagger |
Association special stagger |
kAssociationBacking |
Association backing |
kNoEnableStagger |
No enabled stagger |
kEnableMoveStagger |
Enable move stagger |
kEnableMirrorStagger |
Enable mirror stagger |
kEnableSpecialStagger |
Enable special stagger |
kMoveStagger |
Move stagger |
kMirrorStagger |
Mirror stagger |
kSpecialStagger |
Special stagger |
kNoIdentLine |
No identification line |
kIdentLineOtherSide |
Identification line on other side |
kIdentLineArrowSide |
Identification line on arrow side |
kWeld |
Weld |
kContour |
Contour |
kBacking |
Backing |
kAreaDesc |
Area description |
kSizeSymbol |
Size symbol |
kSecondarySymbol |
Secondary symbol |
kForBothSides |
For both sides |
kForOtherSide |
For other side |
kForArrowSide |
For arrow side |
kTopLeft |
Top left |
kTopCenter |
Top center |
kTopRight |
Top right |
kMiddleLeft |
Middle left |
kMiddleCenter |
Middle center |
kMiddleRight |
Middle right |
kBottomLeft |
Bottom left |
kBottomCenter |
Bottom center |
kBottomRight |
Bottom right |
kHidden |
Hidden — invisible |
kDisabled |
Disabled — visible but unavailable |
kShaded |
Shaded — visible but not editable |
kSelectOnly |
Select only — visible, selectable but not editable |
kVisible |
Visible — available, selectable and editable |
kOk |
OK |
kErrorType |
Error type |
kErrorRange |
Error range |
kError |
Error |
kNotApplicable |
Not applicable |
kLeftSide |
Left side |
kRightSide |
Right side |
kBelow |
Below |
kAbove |
Above |
kNotSorted |
Not sorted |
kAscending |
Ascending |
kDescending |
Descending |
kAtStartRefLine |
At the start of the reference line |
kAtMiddleRefLine |
At the middle of the reference line |
kAtEndRefLine |
At the end of the reference line |
kBasic |
Basic |
kRemovalOfMaterialRequired |
Removal of material is required |
kRemovalOfMaterialProhibited |
Removal of material is prohibited |
kRemovalAllowanceSpecified |
Removal allowance specified |
kNotSpecified |
Not specified |
kParallelToPlaneOfProjection |
Parallel to the plane of projection |
kPerpendicularToPlaneOfProjection |
Perpendicular to the plane of projection |
kCrossedIn2SlantDirections |
Crossed in two slant directions |
kMultiDirection |
Multi-direction |
kCircularRelativeToCenter |
Circular relative to center |
kRadialRelativeToCenter |
Radial relative to center |
kParticulateNonDirectional |
Particulate non-directional |
kUserDirectionLayType |
User direction of lay type |
kTaperAtEndRefLn |
Taper at end reference line |
kSlopeAtEndRefLn |
Slope at end reference line |
kSlopeAtEndRefLn2 |
Slope at end reference line 2 |
kTaperThruRefLn |
Taper through reference line |
kSlopeOnRefLn |
Slope on reference line |
kSlopeOnRefLn2 |
Slope on reference line 2 |
kSlopeAboveRefLn |
Slope above reference line |
kSlopeAboveRefLn2 |
Slope above reference line 2 |
kTaperAboveRefLn |
Taper above reference line |
kSlopeOpenAboveRefLn |
Slope open above reference line |
kSlopeOpenAboveRefLn2 |
Slope open above reference line 2 |
kGeneralText |
General text |
kInteger |
Integer |
kDouble |
Double |
kNoTarget |
No target |
kBalloon |
Balloon |
kPoint |
Point |
kLine |
Line |
kCircular |
Circular |
kRectangular |
Rectangular |
kAttach |
Attach |
kNoArrow |
No arrow |
kArrowOpen |
Arrow open |
kArrowOpen15 |
Arrow open 15 |
kArrowOpen30 |
Arrow open 30 |
kArrowOpen60 |
Arrow open 60 |
kArrowOpen90 |
Arrow open 90 |
kArrowEmpty |
Arrow empty |
kArrowEmpty15 |
Arrow empty 15 |
kArrowEmpty30 |
Arrow empty 30 |
kArrowEmpty60 |
Arrow empty 60 |
kArrowEmpty90 |
Arrow empty 90 |
kArrowClosed |
Arrow closed |
kArrowClosed15 |
Arrow closed 15 |
kArrowClosed30 |
Arrow closed 30 |
kArrowClosed60 |
Arrow closed 60 |
kArrowClosed90 |
Arrow closed 90 |
kArrowFilled |
Arrow filled |
kArrowFilled15 |
Arrow filled 15 |
kArrowFilled30 |
Arrow filled 30 |
kArrowFilled60 |
Arrow filled 60 |
kArrowFilled90 |
Arrow filled 90 |
kArrowBoxBlank |
Arrow box blank |
kArrowBoxFilled |
Arrow box filled |
kArrowDatumBlank45 |
Arrow datum blank 45 |
kArrowDatumFilled45 |
Arrow datum filled 45 |
kArrowDatumBlank60 |
Arrow datum blank 60 |
kArrowDatumFilled60 |
Arrow datum filled 60 |
kArrowDot |
Arrow dot |
kArrowDotBlank |
Arrow dot blank |
kArrowOblique |
Arrow oblique |
kArrowOrigin |
Arrow origin |
kByStandard |
By standard |
kArrowDatumThickLine |
Arrow datum thick line |
kArrowDotSmall |
Arrow dot small |
kArrowDotBlankSmall |
Arrow dot blank small |
kArrowFilledHalf |
Arrow filled half |
kArrowEmptyHalf |
Arrow empty half |
kArrowAcadArchTick |
Arrow Acad Arch tick |
kArrowAcadBoxBlank |
Arrow Acad box blank |
kArrowAcadBoxFilled |
Arrow Acad box filled |
kArrowAcadClosed |
Arrow Acad closed |
kArrowAcadClosedBlank |
Arrow Acad closed blank |
kArrowAcadClosedFilled |
Arrow Acad closed filled |
kArrowAcadDatumBlank |
Arrow Acad datum blank |
kArrowAcadDatumFilled |
Arrow Acad datum filled |
kArrowAcadDot |
Arrow Acad dot |
kArrowAcadDotBlank |
Arrow Acad dot blank |
kArrowAcadDotSmall |
Arrow Acad dot small |
kArrowAcadIntegral |
Arrow Acad integral |
kArrowAcadNone |
Arrow Acad none |
kArrowAcadOblique |
Arrow Acad oblique |
kArrowAcadOpen |
Arrow Acad open |
kArrowAcadOpen30 |
Arrow Acad open 30 |
kArrowAcadOpen90 |
Arrow Acad open 90 |
kArrowAcadOrigin |
Arrow Acad origin |
kArrowAcadOrigin2 |
Arrow Acad origin 2 |
kArrowAcadSmall |
Arrow Acad small |
kUserArrowDialog |
User arrow dialog |
kVaries |
Varies |
kArrowFilled20 |
Arrow filled 20 |
kUserArrowType |
User arrow type |
kAcadArrow |
Acad arrow |
kStandardArrow |
Standard arrow |
kAcadDimStyleArrow |
Acad dimension style arrow |
kUserArrow |
User arrow |
kLeft |
Left |
kCenter |
Center |
kRight |
Right |
kPartID |
Part ID |
kItem |
Item |
kQuantity |
Quantity |
kPLName |
PL name |
kPLPath |
PL path |
kDescription |
Description |
kDescription2 |
Description 2 |
kStandard |
Standard |
kStandard2 |
Standard 2 |
kMaterial |
Material |
kMaterial2 |
Material 2 |
kUserID |
User ID |
kMass |
Mass |
kPrice |
Price |
kDimension |
Dimension |
kUser1 |
User 1 |
kUser2 |
User 2 |
kUser3 |
User 3 |
kUser4 |
User 4 |
kUser5 |
User 5 |
kUser6 |
User 6 |
kUser7 |
User 7 |
kUser8 |
User 8 |
kFilter |
Filter |
kNote |
Note |
kVendor |
Vendor |
kAssembly |
Assembly |
kDmID |
Dm ID |
kName |
Name |
kUnknown |
Unknown |
kUnitOfMeasure |
Unit of measure |
kCategory |
Category |
kFormat |
Format |
kZone |
Zone |
kComments |
Comments |
kPartNumber |
Part number |
kTotalMass |
Total mass |
kByStdBalloon |
By standard balloon |
kNoBalloon |
No balloon |
kCircBallon |
Circular balloon |
kCirc2Ballon |
Circular 2 balloon |
kLinearBallon |
Linear balloon |
kEmptyBallon |
Empty balloon |
kNAngeBallon |
N ange balloon |
kZigZagBallon |
Zig-zag balloon |
kUserBalloon |
User balloon |
kTopDown |
Top to down |
kBottonUp |
Bottom to up |
kSingleRow |
Single row |
kDoubleRow |
Double row |
kTripleRow |
Triple row |
kUp |
Up |
kDown |
Down |
kNone |
None |
kToLeft |
To left |
kToRight |
To right |
kToTop |
To top |
kToBottom |
To bottom |
kAttachLeft |
Left |
kAttachRight |
Right |
kAttachTop |
Top |
kAttachBottom |
Bottom |
kHorizontal |
Horizontal |
kVertical |
Vertical |
kToCenter |
To center |
kToExtents |
To extents |
kToOrigin |
To origin |
none |
None |
hairLine |
Hair line |
smallLine |
Small line |
middleLine |
Middle line |
bigLine |
Big line |
dblSmallLine |
Double small line |
dblBigLine |
Double big line |
kAtTop |
At top |
kAtSide |
At side |
SurfTextRaMax |
Surface texture Ra max |
SurfTextRaMin |
Surface texture Ra min |
SurfTextProduction |
Surface texture production |
SurfTextProduction2 |
Surface texture production 2 |
SurfTextAllowance |
Surface texture allowance |
SurfTextDirLay |
Surface texture direction Lay |
SurfTextSampLeanght |
Surface texture sample length |
SurfTextCutoff |
Surface texture cutoff |
SurfTextOtherValue |
Surface texture other value |
SurfTextOtherMin |
Surface texture other min |
SurfTextMaxRspac |
Surface texture max Rspac |
SurfTextReference |
Surface texture reference |
SurfTextWavines |
Surface texture waviness |
SurfTextComment |
Surface texture comment |
FCFSymbol |
FCF symbol |
FCFSymbol2 |
FCF symbol 2 |
FCFTolerance |
FCF tolerance |
FCFTolerance2 |
FCF tolerance 2 |
FCFToleranceB |
FCF tolerance B |
FCFToleranceB2 |
FCF tolerance B2 |
FCFDatumPrimary |
FCF datum primary |
FCFDatumPrimary2 |
FCF datum primary 2 |
FCFDatumSecondary |
FCF datum secondary |
FCFDatumSecondary2 |
FCF datum secondary 2 |
FCFDatumTertiary |
FCF datum tertiary |
FCFDatumTertiary2 |
FCF datum tertiary 2 |
FCFProjectedZone |
FCF projected zone |
FCFDatumId |
FCF datum ID |
FCFTopNote |
FCF top note |
FCFBottomNote |
FCF bottom note |
DatumIdText |
Datum ID text |
WeldSize |
Weld size |
WeldThickness |
Weld thickness |
WeldLength |
Weld length |
WeldNumber |
Weld number |
WeldSpacing |
Weld spacing |
WeldAngle |
Weld angle |
WeldDepth |
Weld depth |
WeldPitch |
Weld pitch |
WeldGap |
Weld gap |
WeldClearance |
Weld clearance |
WeldBacking |
Weld backing |
WeldBrazing |
Weld brazing |
WeldFinishing |
Weld finishing |
WeldContour |
Weld contour |
WeldNotes |
Weld notes |
DatumTargetSize |
Datum target size |
DatumTargetText |
Datum target text |
NoteExpression |
Note expression |
NoteEvalText |
Note eval text |
EdgeMax |
Edge max |
EdgeMin |
Edge min |
EdgeSign |
Edge sign |
DetailSymLabelPattern |
Detail symbol label pattern |
DetailSymLabelName |
Detail symbol label name |
DetailSymScale |
Detail symbol scale |
DetailSymShowBorder |
Detail symbol show border |
DetailSymShowLeader |
Detail symbol show leader |
DetailSymShowAnnotLeader |
Detail symbol show annotation leader |
SectionSymLabelPattern |
Section symbol label pattern |
SectionSymLabelName |
Section symbol label name |
TaperSubType |
Taper subtype |
TaperOrient |
Taper orientation |
TaperInspect |
Taper inspect |
TaperDisplayStr |
Taper display string |
SurfTextFirstReq |
Surface texture first requirement |
SurfTextSecondReq |
Surface texture second requirement |
SurfTextThirdReq |
Surface texture third requirement |
AVSymLabelPattern |
AV symbol label pattern |
AVSymLabelText |
AV symbol label text |
SurfTextFourthReq |
Surface texture fourth requirement |
FCFSymbol3 |
FCF symbol 3 |
FCFTolerance3 |
FCF tolerance 3 |
FCFDatumPrimary3 |
FCF datum primary 3 |
FCFDatumSecondary3 |
FCF datum secondary 3 |
FCFDatumTertiary3 |
FCF datum tertiary 3 |
WeldIndex |
Weld index |
WeldIndexTotal |
Weld index total |
WeldStandard |
Weld standard |
WeldDesignation |
Weld designation |
WeldSpecification |
Weld specification |
WeldControlCategory |
Weld control category |
WeldTechnicalReq |
Weld technical requirement |
WeldSize2 |
Weld size 2 |
WeldSizeSymbol |
Weld size symbol |
WeldSecondarySymbol |
Weld secondary symbol |
MarkStampContents |
Mark stamp contents |
MarkStampMethod |
Mark stamp method |
MarkStampTechReq |
Mark stamp technical requirement |
JointAnnotation |
Joint annotation |
JointSecAnnotation |
Joint secondary annotation |
DatumIdDatumNote |
Datum ID datum note |
DatumIdThreadNote |
Datum ID thread note |
kUserVariable |
User variable |
kSingle |
Single |
kExpandable |
Expandable |
kIsExpanded |
Is expanded |
kAppend |
Append |
kRemove |
Remove |
kRemoveNotContaining |
Remove not containing |
kRemoveNotContainingMainBom |
Remove not containing in main BOM |
kRemoveNotContainingBlockBom |
Remove not containing in block BOM |
kMergeWithBom |
Merge with BOM |
kMergeWithMainBom |
Merge with main BOM |
kMergeWithBlockBom |
Merge with block BOM |
kFirstAngle |
First angle |
kThirdAngle |
Third angle |
kInsTopLeft |
Insertion point is at top left |
kInsBottomLeft |
Insertion point is at bottom left |
kInsBottomRight |
Insertion point is at bottom right |
kInsTopRight |
Insertion point is at top right |
kUnits |
Units |
kListAttach |
List attach |
kTextHeight |
Text height |
kTextStyle |
Text style |
kArrowType |
Arrow type |
kProjectionType |
Projection type |
kScale |
Scale |
kTextColor |
Text color |
kArrowSize |
Arrow size |
kArrowColor |
Arrow color |
kLeadersOnly |
Leaders only |
kLeadersAndDimensions |
Leaders and dimensions |
kLineSegment |
Line segment |
kArcSegmentSecond |
Arc segment second |
kArcSegmentCenter |
Arc segment center |
Each |
Each |
sqm |
Square meter |
sqcm |
Square centimeter |
sqft |
Square foot |
sqin |
Square inch |
gal |
Gallon |
qt |
Quantity |
lqd_oz |
Liquid ounce |
l |
Liter |
ml |
Milliliter |
yd |
Yard |
ft |
Foot |
in |
Inch |
m |
Meter |
cm |
Centimeter |
mm |
Millimeter |
lb |
Pound |
oz |
Ounce |
g |
Gram |
mg |
Milligram |
bx |
BX |
kExpanded |
Expanded |
kStructural |
Structural |
kAnnotLabelBelow |
Annotation label below |
kAnnotLabelAbove |
Annotation label above |
kFilterBasic |
Basic |
kFilterBallooned |
Ballooned |
kFilterCustom |
Custom |
kFilterParts |
Parts |
kFilterStdParts |
Standard parts |
kFilterSheet |
Sheet |
kFilterView |
View |
kFilterRange |
Range |
kMarking |
Marking |
kStamping |
Stamping |
kRatio |
Ratio |
kPercentage |
Percentage |
kFraction |
Fraction |
kNoFraction |
No fraction |
kNumber |
Number |
kSoldering |
Soldering |
kGluing |
Gluing |
kStitching |
Stitching |
kOverlapping |
Overlapping |
kCorner |
Corner |
kOnArrowSide |
On arrow side |
kOnOtherSide |
On other side |
kTaper1 |
Taper 1 |
kTaper2 |
Taper 2 |
kSlope1 |
Slope 1 |
kSlope2 |
Slope 2 |
kNoOverride |
No override |
kQtyOverride |
Quantity override |
kFormulaOverride |
Formula override |
kImportOverride |
Import override |
kContentOverride |
Content override |
kMassOverride |
Mass override |
kNoProcesses |
No processes |
kProcesses |
Processes |
kTransferModes |
Transfer modes |
kAdditionalItems |
Additional items |
kProcessesAll |
All processes |
kNoInsert |
No insert |
kInsertProcess |
Insert process |
kInsertWithPrefix |
Insert with prefix |
kInsertAsHybrid |
Insert as hybrid |
kInsertProcessAll |
All process inserts |
Contains common Acm definitions.
File: Acm.h
Copyright © 2002-2022. Open Design Alliance All rights reserved.