The following table lists types in this documentation.
protected: AcDbDatabase * AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::assocDatabase()const protected: bool AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::getColumnIndices(AcMgHc_TableContext const &,AcMgHolechartTable const *,AcMgHcVector&)const protected: bool AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::getTableFromTableDef(AcMgHc_TableContext const &,AcMgChartPtr&,AcMgChartPtr&)const protected: bool AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::insertColumns(AcMgHc_ColumnKeyVector const &,AcMgHcStandard_TableDef const &) protected: bool AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::redrawCompleteTable() protected: bool AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::setTableDefaults(AcMgHcDbRefconst &,AcMgHcStandard_CompleteTableDef const &,AcMgHcStandard_OverviewTableDef const &) protected: Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::dwgInFields(AcDbDwgFiler *,AcMgHolechartFilerVersion const &) protected: Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::dwgOutFields(AcDbDwgFiler *,AcMgHolechartFilerVersion const &)const protected: Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::explode(AcArray> &)const protected: static bool AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::compUserItem(AcAmgImpHoleChartPoint const *,AcAmgImpHoleChartPoint const *) protected: void AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::collectMissingColumns(AcMgHc_ColumnKeyVector const &,AcMgHc_ColumnKeyVector &)const protected: void AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::eraseDepEnts(int) protected: void AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::fixUpReferences() protected: void AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::onEndCloning(AcMgHcFilteredHoleChartCloneInfo const *) protected: void AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::setReferences(AcAmgHoleChartOriginAcMeDbRefSet const &,AcAmgHoleChartPointAcMeDbRefSet const &,AcMgHcDbRefconst &,AcMgHcDbRefconst &) protected: void AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::showOriginColumn() protected: void AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::translate(AcMgTransCustomEntityData *) protected: void AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::updateOrigins() public: AcAmgFilteredHoleChart & AcAmgFilteredHoleChart::operator=(AcAmgFilteredHoleChart &) public:... more | |
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public: bool getCompleteTable(AcMgHoleChartTable &)const public: bool getOverviewTable(AcMgHoleChartTable &)const public: bool getTree(AcMgHolePointTree &,int)const public: bool isMasterOriginRemoved(void)const public: bool isMultiple(void)const public: bool isOverviewTableAvailable(void)const public: bool movePointsTo(AcAmgHoleChartOrigin *) public: bool populateUserItemColumn(AcMgHc::ColumnKey,bool) public: bool setIsOverviewTableAvailable(bool) public: bool update(void) public: Acad::ErrorStatus createNewFilteredHC(AcDbObjectId &) public: Acad::ErrorStatus decomposeMultipleHoleCharts(void) public: unsigned long transientFlags(void)const public: void requestForErase(AcMgHcDbRefconst &) public: void setIsMasterOriginRemoved(bool) public: void setTransientFlag(AcMgHc::OriginFlag,bool) public: void showOriginColumn(void) | |
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public: Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::addToBlockTableRecord(DbRef__AcDbBlockTableRecord const &,AcDbObjectId &,bool) protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subDeepClone(AcDbObject *,AcDbObject * &,AcDbIdMapping &,int)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subExplode(AcArray> &)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subGetGeomExtents(AcDbExtents &)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subGetGripPoints(AcArray> &,double,int,AcGeVector3d const &,int)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subGetGripPoints(AcArray> &,AcArray> &,AcArray> &)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subGetOsnapPoints( AcDb::OsnapMode,__int64,AcGePoint3d const &,AcGePoint3d const &,AcGeMatrix3d const &,AcArray> &,AcArray> &)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subGetStretchPoints(AcArray> &)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subHighlight(AcDbFullSubentPath const &,int)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subIntersectWith(AcDbEntity const *, AcDb::Intersect,AcArray> &,__int64,__int64)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subIntersectWith(AcDbEntity const *, AcDb::Intersect,AcGePlane const &,AcArray> &,__int64,__int64)const protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subMoveGripPointsAt(AcArray> const &,AcGeVector3d const &) protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subMoveStretchPointsAt(AcArray> const &,AcGeVector3d const &) protected: virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartPoint::subTransformBy(AcGeMatrix3d... more | |
public: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::dwgInFields(class AcDbDwgFiler *) public: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::dwgOutFields(class AcDbDwgFiler *)const public: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::dxfInFields(class AcDbDxfFiler *) public: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::dxfOutFields(class AcDbDxfFiler *)const public: bool AcAmgHoleChartTable::evaluateTableTitle(void) public: class AcDbObjectId AcAmgHoleChartTable::originEntity(void)const public: virtual void AcAmgHoleChartTable::regen(void) public: void AcAmgHoleChartOrigin::requestForErase(class AcMgHcDbRefconst &) public: bool AcAmgHoleChartTable::setFilteredHC(class AcDbObjectId) public: virtual enum Acm::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::setSymbolDefaults(class AcDbDatabase *) public: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::subCancel(void) public: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::subClose(void) protected: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::subDeepClone(class AcDbObject *,class AcDbObject * &,class AcDbIdMapping &,int)const public: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::subErase(int) protected: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::subExplode(class AcArray> &)const protected: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcAmgHoleChartTable::subGetGeomExtents(class AcDbExtents &)const protected: virtual enum Acad::ErrorStatus... more | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcAmgTitleStd class. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmBOMManager class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmBOMStd class. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmBalloon object pointers. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmBomReactor class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmCBalloonService class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSharedPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmCBalloonStd class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmCPartListStd class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSharedPtr class for shared pointers to objects of the AcmCTaperSymbolDesc class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmDatumId class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmDatumStd class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmFeatId class. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmId class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmIdStd class. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmIterator class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmPartList class. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmPartRef class. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmStandardANSI object pointers. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmStandardBSI object pointers. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmStandardCSN object pointers. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmStandardDIN object pointers. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmStandardGB object pointers. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmStandardISO object pointers. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmStandardJIS object pointers. | |
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This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmStandard object pointers. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmSurfTextStd class. | |
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This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmSymbol object pointers. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for AcmSymbolStd object pointers. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmTaper class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AcmTaperStd class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AmdtAnViewStd class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AmdtDetailSymStd class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AmdtEdgeStd class. | |
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This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AcmSymbolStd object pointers. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AmdtNote class. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for smart pointers to objects of the AmdtSectionSymStd class. | |
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This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AmgCalcSymbol object pointers. | |
This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AmgCamSymBase object pointers. | |
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This template class is an specialization of the OdSmartptr class for AmgCamSymFlatCam object pointers. | |
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