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ODA Kernel SDK
What's New

This documentation describes the Kernel SDK version 2023.12.

For more details on Kernel SDK new features, significant changes and fixed issues, refer to the Release Notes.

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Build Notes

  • The tbb library is replaced with oneTBB.
  • Third-party libraries in the FreeImage package are updated:
    • TD_png library to 1.6.38 version
    • libopenjpeg to 2.5.0 version
    • libopenexr to 3.1.4 version
    • libJpeg to 9e version
    • libWebP to 1.0.1 version or later
    • libraw to 0.21 Beta1 version
    • libtiff library to 4.4.0 version

New Features

Added a library to work with the LandXml format ( Library released as a separate release package: LandXML_***_***.zip. LandXml_***.dll is the main module. LandXml rendering is implemented via the Visualize interface (Visualize is a dependency). Importing LandXml files saved without tessellation data depend on the ODA Civil tessellation algorithm interfaced via the xml/land/Extensions/CivilEngine module (AutodeskĀ® Civil 3DĀ® exports LandXml without surface tessellation data by default.)


Improved performance of the OdGeNurbCurve3d::length(); and OdGeNurbCurve2d::length(); methods.

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