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This documentation describes the ODA IFC SDK version 2023.12.

ODA IFC SDK implements the set of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standards, which are widely used in the building information modeling industry. IFC SDK depends on the ODA Kernel SDK library.

For detailed information about supported platforms and configurations, please see the Supported Platforms.

For a quick start with the IFC SDK, please see the Get Started with IFC SDK section.

If you need to decide whether you should move to the 2023.12 version, please see the New Features, Improvements, and Public API Changes sections below.

New Features


  • The LIKE operator, that compares string values with patterns, was implemented for the EXPRESS interpreter.
  • Performance improvements have been made for:
    • Working with entity extents.
    • Writing files.
    • Creating instances in static schemas.
  • The OdStepFile class now has a model context within and methods to work with it.
  • The OdIfcFile class now can work with a model context on the base class level.
  • The OdIfcModelContext class has become the final class inherited from the sdaiStepModelContext.
  • BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) API allows loading of BCFZIP files without version information.

Public API Changes

  • New Functions:
  • Modified classes:
    • OdDAI::Array.
      Related Source Code: Sdai/Include/daiAggr/daiArray.h.
    • OdDAI::Bag.
      Related Source Code: Sdai/Include/daiAggr/daiBag.h.
    • OdDAI::Select.
      Related Source Code: Sdai/Include/daiSelect.h.
    • OdDAI::Set.
      Related Source Code: Sdai/Include/daiAggr/daiSet.h.
    • OdDAI::Settings.
      Related Source Code: Sdai/Include/daiSettings.h.
    • OdIfcFile.
      Related Source Code: Ifc/Include/IfcFile.h.
    • OdIfcModelContext.
      Related Source Code: Ifc/Include/IfcModelContext.h.
    • OdStepFile.
      Related Source Code: Sdai/Include/daiStepFile.h.
  • Modified functions:

For detailed information about modifications of the public IFC SDK API, please see the Release Notes.

New Sample Code

  • A new ExIfcInitUninit example shows how to perform multiple init/uninit of ODA IFC SDK.
  • The OpenIFCViewer was enhanced with the Quantity Set Manager plugin based on the PSDQTO Engine that provides the management of the IFC property set (creation, update) for the IfcRooted instances.

New Documentation

Build Notes

  • The Libzip library was updated to version 1.9.2.
  • The default Spatial ACIS library that is used within the IfcSpaModeler module was update to the 2022.1.0.1 version.
  • Build configurations for macOS 12 SDK are added (x64, arm64 platforms).
  • The Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) has been extracted from the IFC SDK (sdai.tx, hdf5io.tx, zipio.tx and xmlio.tx modules) into a separate module. From version 2022.9, IFC SDK depends on these modules.
  • IFC SDK depends on the Kernel SDK module and uses the following modules for the geometry visualization:
    • FacetModeler SDK.
    • Solid Modeler SDK.
    • Spatial® ACIS®.
  • The following modules use IFC SDK:
    • The Ifc2Dwg module also requires Drawings SDK.
    • The Ifc2Visualize example also requires Visualize SDK.
  • The HDF5IO module is based on the third-party HDF5 library that requires Perl installed to configure it.
  • The following platforms are added to the supported platforms list:
    • GCC 10.2 for Linux platforms.
  • The ODA Platform has ended support for the following platforms:
    • GCC 4.8 for Linux platforms.

Please refer to the Release Notes for more details about new features, significant changes, and fixed issues.

Click and log in to Jira to see a list of fixed issues.

If you are not already logged in to the member area of the ODA website, you need to log in to go links mentioned above.

See Also

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