
Relief for ODA Team in Ukraine

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g_schemaPSDQTO4x Variable
const char g_schemaPSDQTO4x[] = "SCHEMA PSDQTO;" "TYPE GUIDTYPE = STRING; END_TYPE;" "TYPE ClassName = STRING; END_TYPE;" "TYPE EnumItem = STRING; END_TYPE;" "TYPE PropertyTypeSelect = SELECT" " (TypePropertySingleValue," " TypePropertyEnumeratedValue," " TypePropertyBoundedValue," " TypePropertyTableValue," " TypePropertyReferenceValue," " TypePropertyListValue," " TypePropertyComplexValue);" "END_TYPE;" "TYPE DataTypeEnum = ENUMERATION OF" " (IfcAmountOfSubstanceMeasure," " IfcAreaMeasure," " IfcComplexNumber," " IfcContextDependentMeasure," " IfcCountMeasure," " IfcDescriptiveMeasure," " IfcElectricCurrentMeasure," " IfcLengthMeasure," " IfcLuminousIntensityMeasure," " IfcMassMeasure," " IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure," " IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure," " IfcNumericMeasure," " IfcParameterValue," " IfcPlaneAngleMeasure," " IfcPositiveLengthMeasure," " IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure," " IfcPositiveRatioMeasure," " IfcRatioMeasure," " IfcSolidAngleMeasure," " IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure," " IfcTimeMeasure," " IfcVolumeMeasure," " IfcBoolean," " IfcDate," " IfcDateTime," " IfcDuration," " IfcIdentifier," " IfcInteger," " IfcLabel," " IfcLogical," " IfcReal," " IfcText," " IfcTime," " IfcTimeStamp," " IfcAbsorbedDoseMeasure," " IfcAccelerationMeasure," " IfcAngularVelocityMeasure," " IfcAreaDensityMeasure," " IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure," " IfcCurvatureMeasure," " IfcDoseEquivalentMeasure," " IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure," " IfcElectricCapacitanceMeasure," " IfcElectricChargeMeasure," " IfcElectricConductanceMeasure," " IfcElectricResistanceMeasure," " IfcElectricVoltageMeasure," " IfcEnergyMeasure," " IfcForceMeasure," " IfcFrequencyMeasure," " IfcHeatFluxDensityMeasure," " IfcHeatingValueMeasure," " IfcIlluminanceMeasure," " IfcInductanceMeasure," " IfcIntegerCountRateMeasure," " IfcIonConcentrationMeasure," " IfcIsothermalMoistureCapacityMeasure," " IfcKinematicViscosityMeasure," " IfcLinearForceMeasure," " IfcLinearMomentMeasure," " IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure," " IfcLinearVelocityMeasure," " IfcLuminousFluxMeasure," " IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure," " IfcMagneticFluxDensityMeasure," " IfcMagneticFluxMeasure," " IfcMassDensityMeasure," " IfcMassFlowRateMeasure," " IfcMassPerLengthMeasure," " IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure," " IfcModulusOfLinearSubgradeReactionMeasure," " IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionMeasure," " IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionMeasure," " IfcMoistureDiffusivityMeasure," " IfcMolecularWeightMeasure," " IfcMomentOfInertiaMeasure," " IfcMonetaryMeasure," " IfcPHMeasure," " IfcPlanarForceMeasure," " IfcPowerMeasure," " IfcPressureMeasure," " IfcRadioActivityMeasure," " IfcRotationalFrequencyMeasure," " IfcRotationalMassMeasure," " IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure," " IfcSectionModulusMeasure," " IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure," " IfcShearModulusMeasure," " IfcSoundPowerLevelMeasure," " IfcSoundPowerMeasure," " IfcSoundPressureLevelMeasure," " IfcSoundPressureMeasure," " IfcSpecificHeatCapacityMeasure," " IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure," " IfcTemperatureRateOfChangeMeasure," " IfcThermalAdmittanceMeasure," " IfcThermalConductivityMeasure," " IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure," " IfcThermalResistanceMeasure," " IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure," " IfcTorqueMeasure," " IfcVaporPermeabilityMeasure," " IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure," " IfcWarpingConstantMeasure," " IfcWarpingMomentMeasure);" "END_TYPE;" "TYPE UnitTypeEnum = ENUMERATION OF" " (ACCELERATIONUNIT," " ANGULARVELOCITYUNIT," " AREADENSITYUNIT," " COMPOUNDPLANEANGLEUNIT," " DYNAMICVISCOSITYUNIT," " HEATFLUXDENSITYUNIT," " INTEGERCOUNTRATEUNIT," " ISOTHERMALMOISTURECAPACITYUNIT," " KINEMATICVISCOSITYUNIT," " LINEARFORCEUNIT," " LINEARMOMENTUNIT," " LINEARSTIFFNESSUNIT," " LINEARVELOCITYUNIT," " MASSDENSITYUNIT," " MASSFLOWRATEUNIT," " MODULUSOFELASTICITYUNIT," " MODULUSOFSUBGRADEREACTIONUNIT," " MOISTUREDIFFUSIVITYUNIT," " MOLECULARWEIGHTUNIT," " MOMENTORINERTIAUNIT," " PLANARFORCEUNIT," " ROTATIONALFREQUENCYUNIT," " ROTATIONALSTIFFNESSUNIT," " SHEARMODULUSUNIT," " SPECIFICHEATCAPACITYUNIT," " THERMALADMITTANCEUNIT," " THERMALCONDUCTANCEUNIT," " THERMALRESISTANCEUNIT," " THERMALTRANSMITTANCEUNIT," " TORQUEUNIT," " VAPORPERMEABILITYUNIT," " VOLUMETRICFLOWRATEUNIT," " CURVATUREUNIT," " HEATINGVALUEUNIT," " IONCONCENTRATIONUNIT," " LUMINOUSINTENSITYDISTRIBUTIONUNIT," " MASSPERLENGTHUNIT," " MODULUSOFLINEARSUBGRADEREACTIONUNIT," " MODULUSOFROTATIONALSUBGRADEREACTIONUNIT," " PHUNIT," " ROTATIONALMASSUNIT," " SECTIONAREAINTEGRALUNIT," " SECTIONMODULUSUNIT," " SOUNDPOWERLEVELUNIT," " SOUNDPOWERUNIT," " SOUNDPRESSURELEVELUNIT," " SOUNDPRESSUREUNIT," " TEMPERATUREGRADIENTUNIT," " TEMPERATURERATEOFCHANGEUNIT," " THERMALEXPANSIONCOEFFICIENTUNIT," " WARPINGCONSTANTUNIT," " WARPINGMOMENTUNIT," " ABSORBEDDOSEUNIT," " AMOUNTOFSUBSTANCEUNIT," " AREAUNIT," " DOSEEQUIVALENTUNIT," " ELECTRICCAPACITANCEUNIT," " ELECTRICCHARGEUNIT," " ELECTRICCONDUCTANCEUNIT," " ELECTRICCURRENTUNIT," " ELECTRICRESISTANCEUNIT," " ELECTRICVOLTAGEUNIT," " ENERGYUNIT," " FORCEUNIT," " FREQUENCYUNIT," " ILLUMINANCEUNIT," " INDUCTANCEUNIT," " LENGTHUNIT," " LUMINOUSFLUXUNIT," " LUMINOUSINTENSITYUNIT," " MAGNETICFLUXDENSITYUNIT," " MAGNETICFLUXUNIT," " MASSUNIT," " PLANEANGLEUNIT," " POWERUNIT," " PRESSUREUNIT," " RADIOACTIVITYUNIT," " SOLIDANGLEUNIT," " THERMODYNAMICTEMPERATUREUNIT," " TIMEUNIT," " VOLUMEUNIT," " USERDEFINED);" "END_TYPE;" "TYPE RefTypeEnum = ENUMERATION OF" " (IfcMaterialDefinition," " IfcPerson," " IfcOrganization," " IfcPersonAndOrganization," " IfcExternalReference," " IfcTimeSeries," " IfcAddress," " IfcAppliedValue);" "END_TYPE;" "ENTITY IfcVersion;" " version: STRING;" " subSchema: STRING;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY DataType;" " DataType: DataTypeEnum;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY UnitType;" " UnitType: UnitTypeEnum;" " CurrencyType: STRING;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY BoundValue;" " boundValue: STRING;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY ValueRangeDef;" " LowerBoundValue: BoundValue;" " UpperBoundValue: BoundValue;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY LangAlias;" " Lang: STRING;" " Data: STRING;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY ConstantDef;" " Name: STRING;" " Definition: STRING;" " NameAliases: LIST[0:? ] OF LangAlias;" " DefinitionAliases: LIST[0:? ] OF LangAlias;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY ValueDef;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY PropertyDef;" " ifdguid: GUIDTYPE;" " Name: ClassName;" " ValueDef: ValueDef;" " Definition: STRING;" " PropertyType: PropertyTypeSelect;" " NameAliases: LIST[0:? ] OF LangAlias;" " DefinitionAliases: LIST[0:? ] OF LangAlias;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY DefValue;" " DataType: DataType;" " UnitType: UnitType;" " Values: LIST[0:? ] OF STRING;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY DefiningValue SUBTYPE OF(DefValue);" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY DefinedValue SUBTYPE OF(DefValue);" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY ListValue SUBTYPE OF(DefValue);" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY TypePropertySingleValue;" " DataType: DataType;" " UnitType: UnitType;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY TypePropertyEnumeratedValue;" " Name: STRING;" " EnumList: LIST[0:? ] OF EnumItem;" " ConstantList: LIST[0:? ] OF ConstantDef;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY TypePropertyBoundedValue;" " ValueRangeDef: ValueRangeDef;" " DataType: DataType;" " UnitType: UnitType;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY TypePropertyTableValue;" " Expression: STRING;" " DefiningValue: DefiningValue;" " DefinedValue: DefinedValue;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY TypePropertyReferenceValue;" " RefType: RefTypeEnum;" " guid: STRING;" " url: STRING;" " LibraryName: STRING;" " SectionRef: STRING;" " DataType: DataType;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY TypePropertyListValue;" " ListValue: ListValue;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY TypePropertyComplexValue;" " Name: STRING;" " PropertyDef: LIST[0:? ] OF PropertyDef;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY PropertySetDef;" " ifdguid: GUIDTYPE;" " IfcVersion: IfcVersion;" " templatetype: STRING;" " Name: ClassName;" " Definition: STRING;" " Applicability: STRING;" " ApplicableClasses: LIST[0:? ] OF ClassName;" " ApplicableTypeValue: ClassName;" " PropertyDefs: LIST[0:? ] OF PropertyDef;" " PsetDefinitionAliases: LIST[0:? ] OF LangAlias;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY QtoDef;" " Name: ClassName;" " Definition: STRING;" " QtoType: STRING;" " NameAliases: LIST[0:? ] OF LangAlias;" " DefinitionAliases: LIST[0:? ] OF LangAlias;" "END_ENTITY;" "ENTITY QtoSetDef;" " IfcVersion: IfcVersion;" " Name: ClassName;" " Definition: STRING;" " Applicability: STRING;" " ApplicableClasses: LIST[0:? ] OF ClassName;" " ApplicableTypeValue: ClassName;" " QtoDefs: LIST[0:? ] OF QtoDef;" " QtoDefinitionAliases: LIST[0:? ] OF LangAlias;" "END_ENTITY;" "END_SCHEMA;";

File: IfcPsdQto4x.h

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