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IfcStructuralActivity::getGlobalOrLocal Method
IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum getGlobalOrLocal() const;

Returns the value of GlobalOrLocal attribute. This attribute represents indicates whether the load directions refer to the global coordinate system (global to the analysis model, i.e. as established by IfcStructuralAnalysisModel.SharedPlacement) or to the local coordinate system (local to the activity or connected item, as established by an explicit or implied representation and its parameter space).

Returns the value of GlobalOrLocal attribute.

The informal definition of IfcRepresentationResource.IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum does not distinguish between global coordinate system and world coordinate system. On the other hand, this distinction is necessary in the IfcStructuralAnalysisDomain where the shared global coordinate system of an analysis model not be the same as the project-wide world coordinate system.

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