A class that stores and operates comments data.
File: Bcf_3_0Comment.h
Namespace: OdBcf_3_0
Creates a new commentary object with default parameters. |
A string that contains the comments's author. (Inherited from OdBcfCommentData) | |
A string that contains the comments's text. (Inherited from OdBcfCommentData) | |
A globally unique identifier of the comment. (Inherited from OdBcfCommentData) | |
A string that contains the comments's modified author. (Inherited from OdBcfCommentData) | |
A smart pointer to the timestamp object that contains the comments's date. (Inherited from OdBcfCommentData) | |
A smart pointer to a timestamp object that contains the date and time of the comment modification. (Inherited from OdBcfCommentData) | |
A smart pointer to the viewpoint guid object, which is related to the comment. (Inherited from OdBcfCommentData) |
Retrieves the comment's author. | |
This is the overview for the getComment method overload. | |
Retrieves the comment's date. | |
Retrieves the global unique identifier (GUID) of the comment object. | |
This is the overview for the getModifiedAuthor method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getModifiedDate method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getViewpoint method overload. | |
Reads XML data into ODA data structures. (Inherited from OdBcfElement) | |
Reads XML data into ODA data structures. | |
Defines whether the comment's author is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the comment text is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the comment's date is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the global unique identifier (GUID) of the comment object is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the information about the author of the last comment text modification is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the date of the last comment text modification is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the comment viewpoint value is not initialized. | |
Writes data into XML structures. (Inherited from OdBcfElement) | |
Writes data into XML structures. | |
Sets a new comment's text. | |
Sets a new author of the last comment text modification. | |
Sets a new date of the last comment text modification. | |
Sets a new viewpoint value. | |
Checks whether the BCF datatype instance has all required fields initialized. (Inherited from OdBcfElement) | |
Checks whether the commentary instance has all required fields initialized. |
An assignment operator for a BCF comment object. |
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