A class that stores and operates a topic data.
File: Bcf_2_1Topic.h
Namespace: OdBcf_2_1
Creates a new topic object with default parameters. |
A string that contains the object the topic is assigned to. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A string that contains the topic's description. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
The topic's index value. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A string array that contains the topic's labels. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A smart pointer to the topic's BIM snippet object. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A smart pointer to the timestamp object that contains the topic's due date. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A string that contains the topic's priority value. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A string array that contains reference links to the topic. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A string that contains the topic's stage name. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A string that contains the topic's title. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A string that contains the topic's status. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) | |
A string that contains the topic's type. (Inherited from OdBcfTopicData) |
This is the overview for the getAssignedTo method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getBimSnippet method overload. | |
Retrieves the information about an author that has created the topic. | |
Retrieves the topic creation date. | |
This is the overview for the getDescription method overload. | |
Retrieves the array of documents referenced within the topic. | |
This is the overview for the getDueDate method overload. | |
Retrieves the global unique identifier (GUID) of the topic. | |
This is the overview for the getIndex method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getLabels method overload. | |
Retrieves the information about an author that has modified the topic. | |
Retrieves the date of the last modification of the topic. | |
This is the overview for the getPriority method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getReferenceLink method overload. | |
Retrieves the array of related topics for the topic. | |
This is the overview for the getStage method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getTitle method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getTopicStatus method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getTopicType method overload. | |
Reads XML data into ODA data structures. (Inherited from OdBcfElement) | |
Reads XML data into ODA data structures. | |
Defines whether the topic's AssignedTo property is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the OdBcfBimSnippet object is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the data about the author that has created the topic is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic creation date is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic description is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the array of documents referenced within the topic is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic due date is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the global unique identifier (GUID) of the topic is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic index is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic labels are not initialized. | |
Defines whether the data about the author that has modified the topic is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic modification date is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the priority value of the topic object is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the array of reference links associated with the topic object is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the array of related topics is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic's Stage property is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the title of the topic object is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic status value is not initialized. | |
Defines whether the topic type is not initialized. | |
Writes data into XML structures. (Inherited from OdBcfElement) | |
Writes data into XML structures. | |
Sets a new value of the AssignedTo property of the topic object. | |
Sets a new BimSnippet object of the topic. | |
Sets the topic description. | |
Sets a new due date for the topic object. | |
Sets the index of the topic object. | |
Sets the topic labels. | |
Sets the priority of the topic object. | |
Sets an array of reference links for the topic object. | |
Sets a new value of the Stage property for the topic object. | |
Sets the title of the topic object. | |
Sets the topic status. | |
Sets the type of the topic. | |
Checks whether the BCF datatype instance has all required fields initialized. (Inherited from OdBcfElement) | |
Checks whether the topic instance has all required fields initialized. |
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