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ODA Facet Modeler
Implement Functions

If you have set up your Visual Studio project and activated ODA Software, you're ready to begin coding. This topic presents step-by-step instructions on how to implement the following functionality:

  • Create body primitives such as cubes and pyramids.
  • Perform a slicing operation.
  • Create a resulting file in a location provided by the user.
  1. Open FirstApp.cpp and include directives for system, ODA, and Facet Modeler header files:
    //System includes
    #include "StdAfx.h"
    //ODA includes
    #include "StaticRxObject.h"
    #include "ExSystemServices.h"
    #include "Ge/GeCircArc2d.h"
    #include "ExPrintConsole.h"
    //FacetModeler includes
    #include "FMDataSerialize.h"
    using namespace FacetModeler;
  2. Create an enum to define the creation mode which will be specified by the user later:
    enum CreationMode 
  3. Declare the functions that are going to create objects and perform operations:
    Body createCube(const DeviationParams& devDeviation, double edgeLen = 200.0);
    Body createPyramid(const DeviationParams& devDeviation, double radius = 200.0, double height = 300.0, unsigned int sidesCnt = 7);
    Profile3D sliceBody(const DeviationParams& devDeviation);
    void CreateBodyExample(const DeviationParams&, OdStreamBuf*, CreationMode);
    void propsBodyExample(const DeviationParams&, OdStreamBuf*, CreationMode);
  4. Implement the main() function; this version contains:
    • Reading the user’s data via argv[] arguments.
    • Converting arguments for searching.
    • Defining the creation mode specified by a user.
    • Printing information if there is a wrong number of arguments.
    • Initializing system services.
    • Calling the CreateBodyExample() method that initiates body creation (or the propsBodyExample() method that initiates profile creation) and writing to the file.
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
      CreationMode mode;
      if (argc != 3)
        odPrintConsoleString(L"Something went wrong.\n");
        return 1;
        //Determining the creation mode
        char* s = argv[1];
        if (!strcmp(s, "Cube"))
          mode = Cube;
        else if (!strcmp(s, "Pyramid"))
          mode = Pyramid;
        else if (!strcmp(s, "SliceBody"))
          mode = SliceBody;
          odPrintConsoleString(L"Wrong creation mode parameter.\n");
          return 1; 
        //Initializing ODA
        OdStaticRxObject<ExSystemServices> svcs;
        FacetModeler::DeviationParams devParams;
          OdString filename(argv[2]);
          OdStreamBufPtr pStream = odrxSystemServices()->createFile(filename, Oda::kFileWrite, Oda::kShareDenyNo, Oda::kCreateAlways);
          if (mode == SliceBody)
            propsBodyExample(devParams, pStream, mode);
            CreateBodyExample(devParams, pStream, mode);
        catch (OdError& e)
          odPrintConsoleString(L"\n\nError: %ls", e.description().c_str());
        catch (...)
          odPrintConsoleString(L"\n\nUnexpected error.");
        return 0;
  5. Implement CreateBodyExample() and propsBodyExample() functions that call the correct method depending on the CreationMode parameter:
    void CreateBodyExample(const DeviationParams& devParams, OdStreamBuf* pStream, CreationMode mode)
      Body body;
      switch (mode) 
      case Cube: body = createCube(devParams); break;
      case Pyramid: body = createPyramid(devParams); break;
      default: ODA_ASSERT(false);
      BinaryStream sout;
    void propsBodyExample(const DeviationParams& devParams, OdStreamBuf* pStream, CreationMode mode)
      BinaryStream sout;
      Profile3D profile = sliceBody(devParams);
  6. Implement body-creating methods (createCube, createPyramid, sliceBody):
    Body createCube(const DeviationParams& devDeviation, double edgeLen)
      // Create dimensions vector
      OdGeVector3d dimensions(edgeLen, edgeLen, edgeLen); 
      // For moving the origin point to the center of the cube base
      OdGeVector3d shift(edgeLen / 2, edgeLen / 2, 0.0);  
      return Body::box(OdGePoint3d::kOrigin - shift, dimensions);
    Body createPyramid(const DeviationParams& devDeviation, double radius, double height, unsigned int sidesCnt) 
      // Create a circle for polygon inscribing
      OdGeCircArc2d circle(OdGePoint3d::kOrigin.convert2d(), radius); 
      OdGePoint2dArray points;
      // Inscribe a polygon in a circle and get vertices
      circle.getSamplePoints(sidesCnt, points);
      // Create base profile
      Profile2D cBase;  
      // Only with one contour
      // Fill contour with vertices
      // Close profile
      // Make contour outer
      // Create apex
      OdGePoint3d apex
        OdGePoint3d::kOrigin.z + height
      // Create pyramid
      return Body::pyramid(cBase, apex, devDeviation);
    Profile3D sliceBody(const DeviationParams& devDeviation) 
      // Create plane
      OdGePlane plane(OdGePoint3d(1., 1., 1.), OdGeVector3d(5., 4., 3.));
      // Create body
      Body body = createCube(devDeviation);
      // Call slice method and receive resulting Profile3D
      Profile3D result;
      body.slice(plane, result, true);
      return result;

Now that all the main functionality has been implemented, the next step is to build and run your application.

See Also

Build and Run Your Application
Activate ODA Software
Create Your First Application
Create and Set Up a Visual Studio Project
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