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ODA Drawings SDK
What's New

This documentation describes ODA Drawings SDK version 2023.12.

For more details on Drawings new features, significant changes and fixed issues, refer to the Release Notes.

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New Features

  • Implemented native support of slice functionality in ModelerGeometry.tx for the OdDb3dSolid and OdDbSurface classes.
  • Implemented constraints for .dwg files (alpha version). The new module allows you to create almost all the same constraints as in Autodesk® AutoCAD®. Entities change positions to match the created constraint. Also, it enables the Move Under Constraint functionality, so when a constrained entity is edited, the corresponding changes are applied to all the connected entities. Constraints for .dwg files use the ODA Constraint Solver, so the results are not strictly equal to AutoCAD. Additional work is planned to make the result more similar.

    Creation of the following geometric constraints is supported:

    • Perpendicular constraint
    • Parallel constraint
    • Tangent constraint
    • Symmetric constraint
    • Equal length or equal radius constraint
    • Coincident constraint
    • Collinear constraint
    • Concentric constraint
    • Fix constraint
    • Horizontal or vertical constraint

    Creation of the following dimensional constraints is supported:

    • Aligned constraint between point subentities
    • Horizontal or vertical constraint
    • Two-line angular constraint
    • Three-point angular constraint
    • Radial or diameter constraint

    Not supported yet:

    • NURBS curves usage
    • Rigid sets
    • Equal curvature constraint
    • Auto-constrainting
  • Implemented OdDbSection::generateSectionGeometry() for ModelerGeometry.tx. Currently works for OdDbSectionSettings::kLiveSection and OdDbSectionSettings::k3dSection and returns eNotImplemented for OdDbSectionSettings::k2dSection.
  • Conversion of OdDbSubDMesh to smoothed and optimized OdDb3dSolid, which merges adjacent surfaces to one surface.
  • Conversion of OdDbSubDMesh to smoothed and optimized OdDbSurface, which merges adjacent surfaces to one surface.
  • Support of end-user DGN elements for read/write/modify based on OdDgProxyGraphicsElement with type kTypeExtraGraphicsElement.


Improved stroke calculation accuracy for OdDbHatch when using the system variable HPSMOOTHEVALUATE.

New System Variables

DG_RAYANDXLINE_REGEN_DRAW — Allows you to forbid cache use for DGN rays and infinite lines and to recalculate them every time when drawn. The default state is on.

New and Updated Documentation

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