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ODA Drawings SDK
Compiling Sample Applications on Non-Windows Platforms

To build Drawings SDK sample applications on non-Windows platforms, CMake tool version 3.14 or higher must be installed. It can be downloaded from

Once CMake is installed, follow the steps below to configure and build sample applications:

  1. Run './configure' in the root of the unpacked archive.
  2. After configuring is done, run 'make' in the unpacked archive root folder for all examples.
  3. For compiling any particular example, go to that sample folder under Platforms, where the makefile is placed, for example, Platforms/lnxX86_4.1/Drawing/Examples/OdCopyEx, and then run 'make' there. Or go to the Platforms folder and run make <ExampleName>, for example:
    make OdCopyEx
  4. Find compiled examples in the bin directory.

See also

Downloading Drawings SDK

Building Applications

Compiling Drawings SDK Sample Applications

Compiling Sample Applications on Windows Platforms

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