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ODA Drawings SDK
DGN Elements Available for Import to .dwg Files

DGN Elements Available for Import to .dwg Files

The following table lists objects that are:

  • fully supported,
  • mainly supported,
  • not supported.
Unsupported graphic elements are imported via rendering, similar to OdDbEntity::explodeGeometry.

Support Level DGN element DWG entity Import Method Comment
Fully Supported
Annotation Cell 2D / 3D OdDbBlockTableRecord, OdDbBlockReference OdDgnImportPE Used Cell Header PE.
Detail Symbols 2D / 3D OdDbBlockTableRecord, OdDbBlockReference OdDgnImportPE Used Cell Header PE.
OdDgArc2d, OdDgArc3d OdDbCircle, OdDbEllipse, OdDbArc OdDgnImportPE
OdDgBSplineCurve2d, OdDgBSplineCurve3d (non filled) OdDbSpline OdDgnImportPE
OdDgCellHeader2D / OdDgCellHeader3D OdDbBlockTableRecord, OdDbBlockReference OdDgnImportPE
OdDgConic2d, OdDgConic2d OdDbPolyline Explode
OdDgEllipse2d, OdDgEllipse3d (non filled) OdDbEllipse OdDgnImportPE
OdDgLevelTableRecord OdDbLayerTableRecord OdDgnImportPE
OdDgLine2d, OdDgLine3d OdDbLine OdDgnImportPE
OdDgLineString2d, OdDgLineString3d OdDbPolyline OdDgnImportPE
OdDgLineStyleTableRecord OdDbLinetypeTableRecord OdDgnImportPE
OdDgMeshQuadGrid OdDbPolyFaceMesh OdDgnImportPE
OdDgMeshQuadList OdDbPolyFaceMesh OdDgnImportPE
OdDgMeshTriangleGrid OdDbPolyFaceMesh OdDgnImportPE
OdDgMeshTriangleList OdDbPolyFaceMesh OdDgnImportPE
OdDgOle2Frame2D / OdDgOle2Frame3D OdDbOle2Frame OdDgnImportPE
OdDgRasterAttachmentHeader OdDbRaster OdDgnImportPE
OdDgSharedCellDefinition OdDbBlockTableRecord OdDgnImportPE
OdDgSharedCellReference OdDbBlockReference OdDgnImportPE
OdDgView OdDbViewportTableRecord OdDgnImportPE
Mainly Supported
Cross Pattern OdDbHatch OdDgnImportPE
DWG Based Pattern OdDbHatch OdDgnImportPE
Gradient Pattern OdDbPolyline + OdDbHatch OdDgnImportPE
Grouped Hole 2D and 3D OdDbBlockTableRecord + (OdDbBlockReference or OdDbHatch) OdDgnImportPE Used Cell Header PE. Bentley® MicroStation can convert to PolyfaceMesh or Regions.
Linear Pattern OdDbHatch OdDgnImportPE
OdDgBSplineCurve2d, OdDgBSplineCurve3d (closed and filled) OdDbSpline + OdDbHatch OdDgnImportPE MicroStation optionally converts to Polyline, Region or Hatch.
OdDgComplexShape  (filled) OdDbPolyline + OdDbHatch OdDgnImportPE MicroStation optionally converts to Polyline, Region or Hatch.
OdDgComplexShape (non filled) OdDbRegion OdDgnImportPE MicroStation optionally converts to Polyline, PolyfaceMesh or Region.
OdDgDimAngleSize, OdDgDimArcSize, OdDgDimAngleLocation, OdDgDimArcLocation, OdDgDimAngleLines, OdDgDimAngleAxisX, OdDgDimAngleAxisY OdDb3PointAngularDimension or OdDbArcDimension OdDgnImportPE Associativity is not supported.
OdDgDimCenter OdDbBlockTableReference OdDgnImportPE Associativity is not supported.
OdDgDimLabelLine OdDbMText OdDgnImportPE
OdDgDimNote OdDbMLeader OdDgnImportPE MicroStation creates OdDbLeader.
OdDgDimNote OdDbOrdinate OdDgnImportPE Associativity is not supported.
OdDgDimRadius, OdDgDimRadiusExtended, OdDgDimDiameter, OdDgDimDiameterExtended, OdDgDimDiameterParallel, OdDgDimDiameterPerpendicular OdDbDiametricDimension or OdDbRadialDimension or  OdDbRotatedDimension OdDgnImportPE Associativity is not supported.
OdDgDimSizeArrow, OdDgDimSizeStroke, OdDgDimSingleLocation, OdDgDimStackedLocation, OdDgDimCustomLinear OdDbRotatedDimension OdDgnImportPE Associativity is not supported.
OdDgEllipse2d, OdDgEllipse3d (filled) OdDbEllipse + OdDbHatch OdDgnImportPE MicroStation optionally converts to Face, Polyline, PolyfaceMesh or Region. Conversion to PolyfaceMesh is too slowly.
OdDgShape2d, OdDgShape3d (non filled) OdDbRegion or OdDbFace OdDgnImportPE MicroStation optionally converts to Solid, Polyline, PolyfaceMesh, Region or Hatch. Conversion to PolyfaceMesh is too slowly.
OdDgShape2d, OdDgShape3d (filled) OdDbPolyline + OdDbHatch OdDgnImportPE MicroStation optionally converts to Solid, Polyline, PolyfaceMesh, Region or Hatch. Conversion to PolyfaceMesh is too slowly.
Symbol Pattern OdDbBlockTableRecord + OdDbBlockReference OdDgnImportPE MicroStation optionally converts to Solid, Polyline, PolyfaceMesh, Region or Hatch. Conversion to PolyfaceMesh is too slowly.
NOT Supported
Element Template Not Implemented
Level Symbology Overrides
Link Set Not Implemented
OdDgACS Not Implemented Sets UCS from current ACS.
OdDgApplicationData Not Implemented
OdDgColorBook Not Implemented
OdDgDictionaryTableRecord Not Implemented
OdDgDimStyleTableRecord Not Implemented
OdDgFontTableRecord Supports conversion from .rsc font to .shx
OdDgLevelMask Not Required Uses data from Level Tables.
OdDgLightDistant, OdDgLightPoint, OdDgLightSpot, OdDgLightArea, OdDgLightOpenSky Not Implemented
OdDgMaterialTableRecord Not Implemented
OdDgMeshPointCloud Not Required
OdDgMultilineStyleTableRecord Not Implemented
OdDgNamedGroupHeader Not Implemented Converts to OdDbBlockTableRecord (optionally).
OdDgRasterFrame Not Required
OdDgRasterHeader2d, OdDgRasterHeader3d Not Implemented MicroStation doesn't export embedded rasters.
OdDgReferenceOrder Not Required
OdDgRegAppTableRecord Not Implemented

See Also

DGN Import Parameters

Importing .dgn Files to .dwg Files

Working with Other File Formats

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