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ODA Drawings SDK
Creating a New V8 .dgn File with Splines


ODA Product: Drawings SDK
Sample Name: ExSplines
Categories: C++ / Advanced / Working with .dgn files / Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, WinCE, WinRT
Location: <INSTALL_DIR>/Dgn/Examples/ExSplines

Note: <INSTALL_DIR> is a directory where you unpacked the Drawings SDK archive.


A console application that creates a new database, populates it with various spline type elements, and saves it to a new V8 .dgn file.

Run Sample Application

To run the ExSplines sample application, please do the following:

  1. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the sample binary file is built:
    • For Windows: <INSTALL_DIR>\exe\<PLATFORM_NAME>\
    • For Non-Windows OS: <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/<PLATFORM_NAME>/
    <INSTALL_DIR> is a directory where you unpacked the Drawings SDK archive.
    To determine your <PLATFORM_NAME> parameter, please see the ODA Platform Naming Conventions section in the Downloading Drawings SDK topic.
  2. Run the sample with appropriate arguments:
    ExSplines <filename> [-DO]
filename Full path to the destination .dgn file. Please note, that the extension of the target file should be also specified.
-DO Disable the output of the progress meter.

If the application executed properly, you will see the progress of the target file saving process (until the -DO parameter is used). In case you get the "usage" message, check the parameters.

See also:

Using the Sample Code

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