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ODA Drawings SDK
Naming Objects

Names of objects can be up to 255 characters long. Names can contain letters (a–z and A–Z), digits (0–9), underscores (_), some special characters ($,!,+,-, etc.), national characters, and blank spaces. Most names can also contain UNICODE letters, for example, layers can include symbols in their names.

Object names can not contain the following special characters:

  • Less-than and greater-than symbols (< >)
  • Forward slashes and backslashes (/ \)
  • Quotation marks (")
  • Colons (:)
  • Semicolons (;)
  • Question marks (?)
  • Commas (,)
  • Asterisks (*)
  • Vertical bars (|)
  • Equal signs (=)
  • Single quotes (`)
  • Special characters created with Unicode fonts

Note: Some objects can not contain blank spaces before and after the name. Blank spaces are not recognized if they are leading or trailing symbols.

See Also

Example of Entering Characters for String Objects

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