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ODA Drawings SDK
Overview of Exporting to a PDF File

Drawings SDK supports exporting a .dwg or DGN file to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. The export module is a single support module for Drawings SDK, and it's available in dynamic and static forms for Windows, Linux, and macOS (x86 and x64 versions). All source is available in the release packages.

The following components are available to use for export to PDF:

  • TD_PdfExport_version.tx – A .tx support module for PDF export, where version is the ODA Platform version number.

    Location of the source files: Kernel/Exports/PdfExport.

    This module should be loaded by the user application to get access to PDF export functionality. The main exporting class is OdPdfExport.

  • TD_PDFToolkit_version.dll – A dynamic linked library implementing operations with the elements of the PDF documents, where version is the Drawings SDK version number.

    Location of the source files: Kernel/Exports/PdfExport/PDFToolkit.

    This module is loaded by the TD_PdfExport_version.tx module.

  • PDF export example applications – Contain sample code for a console command line application, which shows how .dwg files can be exported to PDF format.

    Location of the source files: Drawing/Examples/OdPdfExportEx and Drawing/Examples/win/OdaMfcApp.

    See Examples of Exporting to PDF for additional information.

Applications for Viewing PDF Files

To view PDF files you can use different viewing applications, for example:

See Also

Working with Other File Formats

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