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ODA Drawings SDK
Example of Working with Tables

Sample project of working with tables is located in the Drawing\Examples\DevGuide\OdTableEx subdirectory of the ODA installation folder (for an example, C:\Program Files\Open Design Alliance).

The sample project demonstrates creating a table and modifying and displaying its properties. The application creates a .dwg file, and then prints the following information about the created table object:

  • Minimum size of the table
  • Size of the table
  • Number of rows
  • Number of columns
  • Minimum row height for each row
  • Minimum column width for each column
  • Row height for each row
  • Column width for each column
  • Cell style for each cell

The application generates a .dwg file that contains a table object. The table object has a number of rows, which show specific properties of the table:

  1. First row shows the title of the table.
  2. Second row shows column headers.
  3. Third row shows simple text data.
  4. Fourth row shows auto-scaled block references.
  5. Fifth row shows different sizes of the text.
  6. Sixth row shows setting the new row height.
  7. Seventh row shows the text rotation.
  8. Eighth row shows the scaled block references.
  9. Ninth row shows the different text alignments.
  10. Tenth row shows cells with multiple data.
  11. Eleventh row shows different grid lines.

See Also

Overview of Tables

Specific Table Properties

Editing a Table

Working with Table Breaks

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