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ODA Drawings SDK
Overview of Splines

A spline is an entity that represents a non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) curve. It consists of control points, fit points, and can be one of two types: by fit points or by control points.

The spline object is represented by the OdDbSpline class, which provides users access to a spline entity and the ability to manipulate its properties. The OdDbSplinePtr class is the typified smart pointer to an instance of this entity and it is used for storing and passing references to the spline objects.

To create and initialize a new instance of a spline, see Overview of Specific Entities.

See Also

Overview of Specific Entities

Working with Splines

Specific Properties of Splines

Computed Properties of Splines

Working with NURBS Data

Working with Fit Data

Example of Working with Splines

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