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ODA Drawings SDK
Overview of Solids

A solid is a planar entity that determines a rectangular solid area. A solid is a planar object. All vertices of a solid are located in the same plane and are specified by two coordinates: x and y (z is the same for all vertices). A solid's plane can be oriented in world space in any direction. Orientation of a trace's plane is normal to the plane.

For working with solids, use the OdDbSolid class, which represents a solid and allows users to access a solid entity and manipulate its properties. The OdDbSolidPtr class is the typified smart pointer to an instance of this entitiy, and it is used for storing and passing references to the solid objects.

To create and initialize a new instance of a solid entity, see Overview of Specific Entities.

See Also

Working with Solids

Specific Properties of Solids

Example of Working with Solids

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