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ODA Drawings SDK
Complex Entities that Do Explode

The following complex entities can be exploded by either explode() or explodeGeometry():

  • OdDb3dSolid
  • OdDbBody
  • OdDbArcAlignedText
  • OdDbBlockReference (*)
  • OdDbTable
  • OdDbPolyline
  • OdDb3dPolyline
  • OdDbLeader
  • OdDbHelix
  • OdDbRotatedDimension
  • OdDb2LineAngularDimension
  • OdDb3PointAngularDimension
  • OdDbArcDimension
  • OdDbDiametricDimension
  • OdDbRadialDimension
  • OdDbHatch
  • OdDbMLeader
  • OdDbMline
  • OdDbMText (**)
  • OdDbSubDMesh
  • OdDbRegion
  • OdDbSurface
  • OdDbExtrudedSurface
  • OdDbLoftedSurface
  • OdDbPlaneSurface
  • OdDbRevolvedSurface
  • OdDbSweptSurface
  • RText
  • OdDbRasterImage (***)
  • OdDb2dPolyline
  • OdDbOle2Frame (***)
  • OdDbWipeout (***)
  • OdDbOrdinateDimension
  • OdDbAlignedDimension
  • OdDbRadialDimensionLarge
  • OdDbPolyFaceMesh
  • OdDbPolygonMesh
  • OdDbMPolygon

(*) For OdDbBlockReference, explode() and explodeGeometry() can work differently:

  • explode() can fail if the referenced BlockTableRecord is not explodable. Also, explode() looses attribute entities and attribute definition entities are used; the visual result is that attributes are replaced with attribute definitions.
  • explodeGeometry() creates text entities from attributes.

(**) For multiline text entities, the font can be switched inside the contents string. All text entities produced by explode() have the same text style and are displayed with the same font. Note that explodeGeometry() can create new text styles in the drawing to preserve visual representations.

The following complex entities can be exploded using explodeGeometry() only:

  • OdDbMInsertBlock
  • OdDbFcf
  • OdDbSection

(***) The result of exploding these entities creates only their frame.

See Also

Exploding Entities

Simple Entities that Do Not Explode

Complex Entities that Do Not Explode

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