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Specific Classes of Named Record Objects

The OdDbSymbolTableRecord class is a named record object that provides the base interface for subclasses intended for objects stored in the predefined tables of records in the database. This class is used only as a parent class for those classes that provide the ability to work with specific objects: blocks, layers, linetypes, dimension styles, text styles, user coordinate systems, registered applications, views, and viewports. The listed objects are typified and have specific classes. These specific classes are derived from the OdDbSymbolTableRecord class (one class for one record). The OdDbSymbolTableRecord class is also derived from the OdDbObject class and inherits the standard base interface. The sub-hierarchy of specific classes is shown below.

The OdDbSymbolTableRecord class is not a self-contained class for creating instances or custom objects. This class is used only for deriving the following specific classes: OdDbBlockTableRecord, OdDbLayerTableRecord, OdDbLinetypeTableRecord, OdDbViewTableRecord, OdDbViewportTableRecord, OdDbTextStyleTableRecord, OdDbDimStyleTableRecord, OdDbRegAppTableRecord, and OdDbUCSTableRecord, which are used for working with the specific objects listed above.

The OdDbSymbolTableRecordPtr class is the typified smart pointer to the named record object. This class is used as a pointer for storing and passing references to named record objects. Any smart pointer to a specific class can be cast to this smart pointer which can be cast back to the specific class. Pointers to the OdDbSymbolTableRecord class are used to work with specific objects and to cast specific pointers to one type.

Working with records includes setting a name and checking its status. Other operations depend on the interface of the specific non-graphical object.

See Also

Working with Predefined Tables of Named Records

Specific Classes of Predefined Table Objects

Getting and Checking Records

Adding, Naming, Deleting, and Recovering Records

Examples of Using the Record–Table and Dictionary Interfaces

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