The first step to creating a custom object is to derive a custom entity class from the
OdDbEntity class or OdDbObject class. To derive a custom entity class you must declare the following:
class MyEntityObj : public OdDbEntity
For the custom entity, it is necessary to define a constructor, destructor, and to declare default
functions by means of ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS macros. Macros are necessary for all database objects.
The implementation for a custom entity must call the ODRX_DXF_DEFINE_MEMBERS macro, which creates
implementations for the functions declared by the ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS macro used in the class declaration:
ODRX_DXF_DEFINE_MEMBERS(MyEntityObj, // class name
OdDbEntity, // parent class name
DBOBJECT_CONSTR, // creation pseudo-constructor
OdDb::kDHL_CURRENT, // file version
OdDb::kMReleaseCurrent, // maintenance release version
OdDbProxyEntity::kTransformAllowed |
OdDbProxyEntity::kColorChangeAllowed |
OdDbProxyEntity::kLayerChangeAllowed, // proxy flags
MYENTITYOBJ, // dxf class name
MyCustObjs|Description: Run-time Extension Example) // application name
Note that the application name MyCustObjs must agree with the name of the
shared library that contains the implementation for this object (MyCustObjs.tx).
To implement a minimal custom entity, the following functions must be overridden:
worldDraw(), dwgOutFields(), and dwgInFields(). It is also desirable to implement
the following functions: dxfOutFields() and dxfInFields().