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ODA Drawings SDK
Protocol Extension Usage Example

OdRxObject is the base class by which the functionality of drawable elements and other OdRxObjects can be extended. ExDgnDump example demonstrates it.

A new class is created as the virtual base class of the extension:

 class OdDgObject_Dumper : public OdRxObject
 //OdRxObject overridden
   virtual void addRef();
   virtual void release();
   virtual long numRefs() const;

Its own specialized (non-OdRxObject) base functionality:

 virtual void dump( OdRxObjectPtr object ) = 0; //each object class has to    describe itself via that method
   virtual OdString getClassName() = 0; //each object class has to define its own    name

The macro is provided as an implementation helper, which is critical in this process, since this macro contains the registration methods for this extension:

 ODRX_NO_CONS_DEFINE_MEMBERS( OdDgObject_Dumper, OdRxObject )


Next, the object is specialized to each type:

 class OdDgLine2d_Dumper : public OdDgObject_Dumper
 virtual void dump( OdRxObjectPtr object );
   virtual OdString getClassName();

Then, the protocol extension is created for the OdRxClass during base class construction. The object’s OdRxClass is retrieved using the ::desc() method, as follows:

   OdDgLine2d::desc()->addX( OdDgObject_Dumper::desc(), &m_line2dDumper    );

During base class destruction, this extension’s existence is revoked:

   OdDgLine2d::desc()->delX( OdDgObject_Dumper::desc() );

The macro ODRX_NO_CONS_DEFINE_MEMBERS gives the method for registration of this protocol extension object. After loading a database, call the following to initialize the dumper protocol extension into the database:

 //register our dumper

Call the following to uninitialize the extension:



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