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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDgMeshAuxiliaryData Structure
struct OdDgMeshAuxiliaryData { enum DataTypes { kTypeNormal, kTypeParameter, kTypeDoubleColor, kTypeIntegerColor, kTypeTableColor, kTypeDensity, kTypePressure, kTypeTemperature, kTypeDisplacement, kTypeVelocity }; enum LinkTypes { kLinkToVertices, kLinkToFaces }; };

Common interface for auxiliary data (normals, colors, etc) that can be linked either to faces or to indices

In common, any data is identified by a pair of indices. It is done, for example, to identify a data linked to points of a quad grid. If a data is linked to some linear type (like point cloud), then the second index should be zero. 

Corresponding C++ library: TG_Db 


File: DgMesh.h 

Module: API Reference 

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