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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDbSurface::createInterferenceObjects Method
virtual OdResult createInterferenceObjects(OdDbEntityPtrArray& interferenceObjects, OdDbEntityPtr pEntity, unsigned int flags) const;

Creates new entities that represent the result of interference between the surface and specified entity. Created entities are appended to the specified array. 


[out] Output array of interference entities, which can contain OdDbSurface or curve entities.
[in] Pointer to the entity the surface must be interfered with. pEntity can point to the following entity types: OdDbSurface, OdDb3dSolid, OdDbRegion, or OdDbBody.
[in] Interference flags; equal to kDefault (0x00).

eOk if interference entities are successfully created or an appropriate error code otherwise. For example, if interference entities are not created, eNoIntersection error code is returned. eInvalidInput is returned if an unsupported entity or NULL pointer is provided as a value of pEntity.

Created entities are not included in the database, so the caller is responsible for the correct handling of them. This means that the caller must include created entities in the database or delete them when they are no longer needed. 

This method is implemented for Spatial modeler only and returns the eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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