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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDbRasterImageDef::classVersion Method
static int classVersion();

DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN comment this out for a while 

int colorDepth() const; OdGiSentScanLines* makeScanLines( const OdGiRequestScanLines* pReq, const OdGeMatrix2d& pixToScreen, OdGePoint2dArray* pActiveClipBndy = 0, // Data will be modified! bool draftQuality = false, bool isTransparent = false, const double brightness = 50.0, const double contrast = 50.0, const double fade = 0.0 ) const; OdString searchForActivePath(); void embed(); // this function is not implemented in ARX bool isEmbedded() const; OdString fileType() const; void setUndoStoreSize(unsigned int maxImages = 10); unsigned int undoStoreSize() const; bool imageModified() const; void setImageModified(bool modified); void loadThumbnail(OdUInt16& maxWidth, OdUInt16& maxHeight, OdUInt8* pPalette = 0, int nPaletteEntries = 0); void unloadThumbnail(); void* createThumbnailBitmap(BITMAPINFO*& pBitmapInfo, OdUInt8 brightness = 50, OdUInt8 contrast = 50, OdUInt8 fade = 0); IeFileDesc* fileDescCopy() const; void getScanLines(OdGiBitmap& bitmap, double brightness = 50.0, double contrast = 50.0, double fade = 0.0) const; void openImage(IeImg*& pImage); void closeImage(); 


  • details Returns the version of the raster image associated with this raster image definition object.
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