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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDbLayerTableRecord::setPlotStyleName Method (const OdString&)
OdResult setPlotStyleName(const OdString& sPlotStyleName);

Sets the name of the place holder object for the layer record object (DXF 390). This method associates layer and plot style. The name is an OdString instance. This plot style is used when the PlotStyle property of an entity belonged to this layer is set to ByLayer value. The same entity can be rendered using different plot styles in different viewports. 


[in] Plot style name as non-empty string.

The same layer can have different plot styles in different viewports. Therefore this method is overdriven. The method with one argument sets the own plot style of the layer using the plot style name.

Example of Working with the Layer Record Object 

Specific Properties of Layers 

OdDbPlaceHolder class 

OdDbLayerTableRecord::plotStyleName() methods 

OdDbLayerTableRecord::plotStyleNameId() methods

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