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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDbDatabase::insert Method (const OdGeMatrix3d&, OdDbDatabase*, bool)
void insert(const OdGeMatrix3d& xfm, OdDbDatabase* pSource, bool preserveSourceDatabase = true);

Copies the content of a specified database to this database. 


[in] Transformation matrix.
[in] Source database.
[in] Not used. Objects from the source database are always copied, not moved.

The data that will be copied includes content of the folloowing enities:

  • BlockTable
  • LayerTable
  • LinetypeTable
  • DimStyleTable
  • RegAppTable
  • TextStyleTable
  • PlotStyleNameDictionary
  • PlotSettingsDictionary
  • MLStyleDictionary
  • ColorDictionary
  • MaterialDictionary
  • TableStyleDictionary
  • MLeaderStyleDictionary
  • ScaleListDictionary
  • VisualStyleDictionary
  • GroupDictionary


Unlike the wblockCloneObjects() method, insert() also copies the sortens table. While copying duplicate objects, names will be ignored; a destination object that has the same name as the source object will be rewritten by the source one. 

All model space entities in pSource are copied into model space of this database object and transformed by xfm. Transformation matrix should be uniform. Non-uniform transform is ignored.

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