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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDb3dSolid::extrudeFaces Method
virtual OdResult extrudeFaces(const OdArray<OdDbSubentId *> & faceSubentIds, double height, double taper);

Extrudes faces of the solid with the specified distance and taper angle. 


[in] Face's subentity ID in the solid.
[in] Distance of extrusion.
[in] Taper angle.

eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in other case.

The distance of extrusion is determined by the height parameter and the taper angle (the taper parameter). The extrusion direction can be along or opposite the normal of each extruded face depending on the height value:

  • If the height is positive, direction is along the normal (extruding faces outward from the solid).
  • If the height is negative, direction is opposite the normal (extruding faces into the solid).


If the absolute value of the taper is less than 1e-6, the taper angle is assumed to be equal to 0.0. If the taper value is not equal to 0.0, each face should have edges that join together smoothly (i.e. tangents at the points of connection must be equal). The following constraints are applied:

  • Number of specified faces (in the faceSubentIds parameter) must be more than zero.
  • |height| >= 1e-6
  • |taper| >= (PI/2) - 1e-6


This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns the eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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