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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDb3dSolid::extrude Method
virtual OdResult extrude(const OdDbRegion* pRegion, double height, double taperAngle = 0.0);

Creates a solid by extruding the specified region to the specified height and with specified taper angle. 


[in] Pointer to the region to be extruded.
[in] Height of the extrusion.
[in] Taper angle in radians.

eOk if extrusion is successful or an appropriate error code if not.

The extrusion direction is along the normal of the region. The height value may be negative. pRegion should not have self-intersections. Creates a solid by extruding pRegion, a distance of height with a taper angle of taper. The extrusion direction is along the normal of the region if the height is positive. 

The following constraints are applied:

  • |height| >= 1e-6
  • |taperAngle| < OdaPI2 - 1e-6


Taper should be between half pi and -half pi. If the absolute value of taper < 1e-6, then the taper angle is set to 0. 

This method is implemented for Spatial modeler and ModelerGeometry. 

ModelerGeometry implementation return eNotImplementedYet if taperAngle != 0.

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