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ODA Drawings SDK
getClosestPoints Method

This is the overview for the getClosestPoints method overload.

Calculates closest points on the given modeler geometry object (or its subentity) and the given curve. Matrix toWc defines transformations applied to modeler geometry object before calculations.
Calculates point on the given modeler geometry object (or its subentity) closest to the given point. Matrix toWc defines transformations applied to the modeler geometry object before calculations.
Calculates closest points on the given modeler geometry object (or its subentity) and the given wireframe (set of straight line segments). Wireframe is defined as set of points and array of pairs {(s0, e0),...,(sn, en)}, where si - index of start point of i-th wireframe edge, ei - index of end point of i-th wireframe edge. Matrix toWc defines transformations applied to the modeler geometry object before calculations.
Calculates closest points on the given modeler geometry objects or their subentities. Matrices toWc1, toWc2 define transformations applied to given objects before calculations.
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