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What's New

This documentation describes ODA Civil SDK version 2023.12.

For a quick start with the Civil SDK, please see the Get Started with Civil SDK section.

For detailed information about supported platforms and configurations, please see the Supported Platforms.

If you need to decide whether you should move to the 2023.12 version, please see the Public API Changes sections below.

Public API Changes

  • New Classes and Functions:
    • AECCAlignmentSELanePtr AECCAlignmentSELimits::GetLane() const;
    • AECCAlignmentSEParameterPtr AECCAlignmentSELimits::GetBegin() const;
    • AECCAlignmentSEParameterPtr AECCAlignmentSELimits::GetEnd() const;
    • double AECCAlignmentSECriticalStation::GetCrossSlopeValue( SuperelevationCrossSegmentType type ) const;
    • void AECCVariant::operator=( AECCVariant&& vValue ) noexcept;
    • AECCVariant::AECCVariant( AECCVariant&& vValue ) noexcept;
    • OdUInt32 AECCVariant::getUInt32() const;
    • void AECCVariant::setSmartString( const AECCSmartString& strValue, OdUInt32 iTypeInfo );
    • bool AECCVariantArray::operator==( const AECCVariantArray& vValue ) const;
    • void AECCVariantArray::setProperty( AECCVariant&& vValue );
    • void AECCDbTreeNode::SetProperty( AECCVariant&& vValue );
    • OdGeMatrix3d AECCCorridorItem::GetCorrectionTransform( AECCSubassemblyData::Side side ) const;
    • bool AECCCorridorItem::GetSubassemblyOffset( AECCAssemblyGroupSubPtr group, OdDbObjectId idSubassembly, OdGeVector2d& outOffset ) const;
    • OdUInt32 AECCCorridorRegion::GetOffsetNodeCount() const;
    • AECCAssemblyOffsetNodeSubPtr AECCCorridorRegion::GetOffsetNodeByIndex( OdUInt32 iIndex ) const;
    • AECCAssemblyOffsetNodeSubPtr AECCCorridorRegion::GetMainOffsetNode() const;
    • bool AECCSubassemblyData::HasOverridenGeometry() const;
    • bool AECCSubassemblyData::HasOverridenParameter() const;
    • bool AECCScriptPropertyCollection::IsEmpty() const;

  • Modified Classes and Functions:
    • class AECCAlignmentUnkSubObj10
      Changed to:
      class AECCAlignmentSELimits
    • void AECCVariant::setIsLocked( bool bLocked ) is now private.

  • Fixed issues:

Please refer to the Release Notes for more details about new features, significant changes, and fixed issues or see Release Notes for Previous Versions.

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Activate ODA Civil SDK

The ODA Software requires activation. Please refer to the Activate ODA Products to learn about activation and how to maintain custom applications that use activated ODA products.

See Also

Get Started with Civil SDK
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