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Using Sample Applications

In addition to library and header files, every Civil SDK release package contains a set of sample applications that can help you get started using Civil SDK.

For information about building sample applications on different platforms, see Compiling Civil SDK.

For an overview and information about running sample applications and using the Civil SDK API, refer to the following topics:

  • ExLDTEnts — Sample application that iterates Land Desktop primitives: AECCDbPoint, AeccDbCogoPoint and AECCDbContour, prints their properties to the console, and explodes and copies them to the output drawing.
  • ExTcAecCleanup — Sample application that removes all AEC data and converts a civil or architectural drawing to a plain .dwg file. Allows you to explode AEC entities before erasure to make the resulting drawing visually similar to the source one.
  • ExTcCopy — Sample application that saves a source .dwg file to another .dwg file to update it to the latest version, or visualizes a drawing to a .bmp image.
  • ExTcCreateProfile — Sample application that demonstrates creation of a profile and a profile view using an existing alignment and surface (source file must contain them).
  • ExTcPoints — Sample application that demonstrates creation of COGO points.
  • ExTcSurfaceGrid — Sample application that demonstrates creation of a grid surface.
  • ExTcSurfaceTin — Sample application that demonstrates creation of a TIN surface.
  • TcReadEx — Analog of the OdReadEx sample with loading of Civil modules.

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