Tolerances represent a measure of equivalence in operations with vectors and points and are used as parameters of many methods in the Ge library. A tolerance is represented by an object of the OdGeTol class and always has a default value, as defined in OdGeContext::gTol. For example, the isClosed() method determines whether the start and end points are within the defined tolerance, and if they are, returns the true value.
To create a new tolerance object, use the following OdGeTol() constructors:
The OdGeTol class contains the setEqualPoint() and setEqualVector() methods for setting the tolerance of points and vectors:
void OdGeTol::setEqualPoint(double val);
void OdGeTol::setEqualVector(double val);
The OdGeTol class also contains the equalPoint() and equalVector() methods for obtaining the tolerance of points and vectors:
double OdGeTol::equalPoint() const;
double OdGeTol::equalVector() const;
The equalPoint and equalVector tolerance values are used as follows:
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