Using the OdGeSurfaceCurve2dTo3d class you are able to work with a 3D representation of a curve defined in the 2D surface parameter space. Consequently, any OdGeSurfaceCurve2dTo3d object is a 3D curve, and a point of this curve at a specific parameter value can be calculated by evaluating a point of the UV-curve at the corresponding parameter value:
pointCurve3d = pSurf->evalPoint(pUVCurve->evalPoint(param));
To create an OdGeSurfaceCurve2dTo3d object, use the appropriate constructor from the list:
Since OdGeSurfaceCurve2dTo3d is derived from the OdGeCurve3d class, it supports all 3D curve object functionality. Additionally, a OdGeSurfaceCurve2dTo3d object contains the getGeomExtents() method for calculating extents of the curve:
void getGeomExtents(OdGeExtents3d& extents) const;
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