The following is a simple example of an OdEdCommand Subclass. When executed, this object retrieves a string value from the passed in I/O object, and writes this string back out.
class SampleCmd : public OdStaticRxObject<OdEdCommand> { public: const OdString localName() const { return globalName(); } const OdString groupName() const { return "ODA Example Commands"; } const OdString globalName() const { return OdString("SampleCommand"); } // Body of the custom command. void execute(OdEdCommandContext* pCmdCtx) { OdDbCommandContextPtr pDbCmdCtx(pCmdCtx); // downcast for database access OdDbDatabasePtr pDb = pDbCmdCtx->database(); // Current database OdEdUserIO* pIO = pDbCmdCtx->userIO(); OdString sKey = pIO->getString("Enter a value: ", "< default >"); pIO->putString(sKey + " was entered"); } };
Custom commands can peform database operations, create new objects, query for input and then perform operations based on that input, etc. See our ExCustObj_dll sample project for sample commands that create custom objects based on input from the user (these commands can be executed from within our OdaMfcAppDll sample by choosing Tools/Load Applications and loading the TX module created by ExCustObj_dll). Once the app is loaded, the commands can be accessed from Edit/Registered Commands.
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