ODA IFC SDK Developer's Guide > Get Started with IFC SDK > IFC SDK Sample Applications > ExIfcToBmp Sample Application
ExIfcToBmp Sample Application


ODA Product: IFC SDK
Sample Name: ExIfcToBmp
Source Code Location: Ifc/Examples/ExIfcToBmp


Creates a bitmap image from a .ifc file content. The ExIfcToBmp example is a sample application that reads content from a specified .ifc file and converts its content into a specified bitmap image file (*.bmp).

Run Sample Application

To run the ExIfcToBmp sample application, please do the following:

  1. Open the terminal window and go to the directory where the sample binary file is allocated:
    • For Windows® platforms: <IFC_DIR>\exe\<version>
    • For Non-Windows platforms: <IFC_DIR>/bin/<version>

    <IFC_DIR> is a directory where you unpacked the IFC SDK archive.

    To determine your <version> parameter, please see the appropriate section in the Download IFC SDK topic.

  2. Run the sample with appropriate parameters:
                ExIfcToBmp <source file> <destination file> [<-DO>]
    source file The full path to the .ifc file to be converted to a bitmap image.
    destination file The full path to the output bitmap file (*.bmp).
    DO An optional parameter that determines whether the progress meter output should be disabled (if specified) or not (if not specified).

This picture shows the application output when if was correctly run.

The picture below illustrates the example console output in the case when it was run incorrectly.

And the last picture shows the output bitmap image file created by the sample application.

See Also

IFC SDK Sample Applications

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