ODA IFC SDK Developer's Guide > Basic Concepts of IFC SDK Usage > Work with an IFC Database
Work with IFC Databases

To create a new IFC database, call the createDatabase() method of the customer service class instance declared in the Ifc/Examples/Common/IfcExamplesCommon.h header file. The MyServices class is based on the ExSystemServices and OdExIfcHostAppServices classes, which implement platform-based functionality for IFC SDK based applications:

class MyServices : public ExSystemServices, public OdExIfcHostAppServices
  OdGsDevicePtr gsBitmapDevice(OdRxObject* /*pViewObj*/ = NULL,
    OdDbBaseDatabase* /*pDb*/ = NULL,
    OdUInt32 /*flags*/ = 0)
      OdGsModulePtr pGsModule = ::odrxDynamicLinker()->loadModule(OdWinBitmapModuleName);
      return pGsModule->createBitmapDevice();
    catch(const OdError&)
    return OdGsDevicePtr();


  virtual OdString findFile(
    const OdString& filename,
    OdDbBaseDatabase* pDb,
    FindFileHint hint)
    return filename;

  virtual const OdString program()
    return OdString::kEmpty;

  virtual const OdString product()
    return OdString::kEmpty;

  virtual const OdString companyName()
    return OdString::kEmpty;

  virtual bool ttfFileNameByDescriptor(
    const OdTtfDescriptor& description,
    OdString& filename)
    return false;

  virtual OdString getAlternateFontName() const
    return OdString::kEmpty;

  virtual OdString getFontMapFileName() const
    return OdString::kEmpty;

  virtual OdString getPreferableFont(
    const OdString& fontName,
    OdFontType fontType)
    return OdString::kEmpty;

  virtual OdString getSubstituteFont(
    const OdString& fontName,
    OdFontType fontType) 
    return OdString::kEmpty;


The createDatabase() method returns a smart pointer to the OdIfcFile object. Using this smart pointer, call the readFile() method to load the contents of an IFC file to the created object.

      OdStaticRxObject< MyServices > svcs;
      OdString ifcFileName(argv[1]);

      OdIfc::OdIfcFilePtr pDatabase = svcs.createDatabase(kScmUndefined);
      OdResult res = pDatabase->readFile(ifcFileName);

      if (res == eOk)
        odPrintConsoleString(L"\nFile opened successfully.");
        odPrintConsoleString(L"\nFile open error.");

To write the contents of an IFC file object, use the writeFile() method of the OdIfcFile object:

    OdStaticRxObject < MyServices > svcs;
    OdIfc::OdIfcFilePtr pDb = svcs.createDatabase();
    if (!pDb.isNull())
      //Add here some functionality for filling the header section and model objects

      pDb->writeFile(szTargetFileName, true);


See Also

Initialization and Deinitialization.

Work with Header Sections and Models.

Library Dependencies of IFC SDK

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Basic Concepts of IFC SDK Usage

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