API Reference > TD_IFC_EXPORT Namespace

Contains declarations related to the functionality of conversion data from the IFC format to a .dwg file.

An abstract class that provides the interface for the .ifc to .dwg format data conversion module. 
The class that implements a connection map between .dwg entities and appropriate objects in the IFC model. This map contains information about data storages in the .ifc and .dwg formats used for the data exchange. 
An abstract class that provides the interface for .ifc to .dwg format data conversion. 
Contains declarations, which represents the .ifc to .dwg conversion modes. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an object that is derived from the OdIfc2DwgModule class. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an object of the OdIfcConnectionMap class. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an object that is derived from the OdIfcExport class. 
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